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年产2万吨胡麻籽油工厂工艺设计专业名称:食品科学与工程 学号 姓名:王晨龙 指导教师:舒宗美 职称:讲师摘要胡麻是我国西北和华北地区特有的油纤兼用型经济作物 ,为甘肃、宁夏、青海、新疆、内蒙古等地区的特种油料作物。胡麻籽含油率36.0%一45.0% ,种子表皮含有10.0%的果胶 ,茎秆含纤维12.0%一30.0% ,胡麻饼粕含粗蛋白23.0%一33.6% ,目前绝大多数栽培是以油用为目的。我国年播种面积约1000万亩 ,年产胡麻籽500万吨,是我国工业用干性植物油和产区人民的主要食用油的来源.长期以来,仅仅压榨作为普通食用油,由于加工简单而导致经济价值降低,许多及其重要的经济价值尚未被人们充分认识。近年来,随着科学技术的进步,胡麻籽的营养价值和保健功能引起了医疗、食品、农业等许多领域科学家的关注,一场开发胡麻籽的热潮已悄然兴起。 本文拟设想采取国内外先进技术工艺路线进行新建项目的建设。主要为低温冷榨技术,入榨温度在50℃以下,机榨饼残油率低,毛油质量好,可直接达到GBll765一2003一级压榨油标准;符合欧盟技术标准的物理精炼技术,软塔脱臭工艺,自动化程度高,批间差异小,安全性高,85%以上的维生素E能保存在油脂中,产生反式脂肪酸小于1%,符合欧盟质量标准,能耗低,精炼成本多低;将这些技术做为新建胡麻油油加工厂建设的主要技术路线。关键词:低温冷榨,精炼,营养价值AbstractSummary of oil and fiber flax is unique to Northwest China and North China and cash crops, Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and other parts of special oil crops. Flax seed oil content 36% - 45% seed epidermis contains 10%, pectin, stem fibre 12% - 30%, flax meal containing protein 23% - 33.6%, most cultivation is oil used for the purpose. Acreage in China is about 10 million acres, the annual production capacity of 500,000 tons of flax seeds are dry vegetable oil for industrial use in China and the peoples of the regions main source of edible oil. over time, just as ordinary cooking oil press, due process is very simple and cause a decrease in economic value, many extremely important economic value has not yet been fully recognized.This paper envisaged both at home and abroad advanced technical route for construction of the new project. Primarily for low temperature cold pressing technique, into the press at 50℃ following, machine squeezed cake residual oil rate low, hair oil quality good, can directly reached GBll765-2003 1 level press oil standard; meet EU technology standard of physical refining technology, soft Tower de smelly process, automation degree high, batch between differences small, security high, 85% above of vitamin e can save in grease in the, produced anti-type fatty acids is less than 1%, mee


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