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分类号 U D C 密 级 公 开 硕士研究生学位论文 消解资本的逻辑 ——詹姆逊《晚期资本主义文化逻辑》研究 申 请 人: 张雪 学 号: 2120003 培养单位: 哲学学院 学科专业: 马克思主义哲学 研究方向: 马克思主义文化哲学 指导教师: 郭艳君 教授 完成日期: 2015年00月00日 中文摘要 《后现代,或晚期资本主义的文化逻辑》是詹姆逊的代表作,其中对后现代文化逻辑的分析是深刻而又重要的。其深刻性体现在这一思想内涵着詹姆逊的文化分期理论以及关于乌托邦的构想,其重要性体现在这一思想有着理论和现实的双重意义。这一文本既是我们研究詹姆逊思想的重要线索,也是我们理解马克思主义,、特别是西方马克思主义的重要资源,更为我们进行中国社会建设提供了有益的启示。 本文通过对詹姆逊晚期资本主义文化理论的思想来源的分析指出,詹姆逊在直接继承了马克思的资本主义批判理论和曼德尔的晚期资本主义思想的基础上,建构了现实主义、现代主义和后现代主义三个文化时期的文化分期理论,并着力分析限资本主义文化发展的内在逻辑。在此基础上,对詹姆逊的乌托邦思想的进行分析,以阐明詹姆逊通过批判晚期资本主义的文化逻辑以消解资本的逻辑,进而建构未来社会的设想。詹姆逊对资本逻辑的消解有助于我们进一步理解资本的本质,在当代社会中实现对资本逻辑的消解,从而实现社会的和谐。但詹姆逊的这一思想也难免具有时代的局限性,无论如何,我们要在批判中对其进行理解和发展。 关键词:晚期资本主义,资本的逻辑,文化分期,乌托邦 Abstract “The post-modernity or the logic of culture in the late capitalism” is a famous work of Jameson, in it there is profound and vital analysis of the logic of post-modern culture. Its profundity reflects that it includes Jameson’s theory of periodization and the idea of the Utopia, its importance results from its double meaning which are theoretical and realistic. This article is important clue of our study of Jameson’s theory, and it is also crucial resource for us to understand Marxism and Western Marxism, and it provides rewarding enlightenment for Chinese social construction. There are five parts in this thesis: the first one is introducing the aim, meaning and method of this thesis, and summarize the research status of external and domestic research, from which we can summarize the achievements today. In the meantime, through current study we can find the innovation point of this thesis. The second part expounds the sources of Jameson’s theory of the late capitalism. In the analysis of Jameson’s theory of the late capitalism mainly inherits Marx’s critical theory of capital, in the thinking of periodization of culture, he inherits the theory of


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