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Abstract In?Daniel Defoe s masterpiece , Robinson Crusoe , Robinson was born in the York City .Since fantasy travel navigation when he is a child, he boarded the ship to Guinea. He met the wind and waves, the waves engulfed the boat sailing for a while. Robinson was rushed to a deserted island. He did not despair, put up a defensive beast and his savage castle, tenacious survival for 28 years. Finally he came back to home they left years before. Robinson is a hero rather than an everyman.He is hard-working, independent, dare to challenge all persistent, etc. In a word, he is a complex of virtues. However, as a human, he also has his fault, he is a little irresponsible, self-centeredness, depending on the money for everything, etc. However, as a people in modern society, we all should learn from his virtues, and overcome his faults. Be brave to take any adventures, and face every challenge in our life fearlessly. 【Key Words】 Robinson Crusoe, character, positive, negative 内容摘要 在丹尼尔笛福的代表作中,鲁滨逊出生在英国约克城,从小就幻想远游航海,后来他登上了去几内亚的船只。起航不久就遇到了风浪,大浪吞没了船只,鲁滨逊被冲到了一个荒芜人烟的岛上。鲁滨逊没有绝望,他建起一座防御野兽和野人的“城堡”,顽强地生存了28年。最后终于回到阔别多年的故乡。与其说罗宾逊是一个普通人,还不如说他是个英雄。他勤劳勇敢,独立自强,敢于挑战一切,等等。总之,他是美德的集合体。然而,作为一个人,他也是有他的不足之处的。他有点不负责任,以我为中心,视金钱为一切等等。然而作为一个现代社会的人,我们都应该学习他的优点,克服他的缺点。勇于冒险,坦然面对生活中的一切挑战。 关键词:鲁滨孙,性格特点,积极,消极 Outline Thesis Statement: This thesis analyses the character of Robinson included the positive and negative .Learn from it, we can live a wonderful life like Robinson . Introduction The Positive Aspects of the Character of Robinson Crusoe 2.1He is an industrious and brave, lonely and adventurous person 2.2 He has strong psychological activity. 2.3 He is not a contenting to present situation and?the independent person 2.4 Robinson Crusoe is a man of wisdom 3. The negative Aspects of the Character of Robinson Crusoe 3.1 Robinson Crusoe pays little attention to his family and friends 3.2 Its all of money in his eyes 3.3 Robinson Crusoe is vain??? 3.4 Robinson Crusoe likes to keep slaves


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