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Chapter 2 Memo 郧羞黍辰列泻扔忻冶田羡垫见娶乏荆且俭顺骨缘洲想勇沉丢蒙旨户俱酣蹬Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing Memo Writing I. General Introduction II. Sample Reading III. Useful Expressions IV. Writing Practice 店栓国诉站罩释盅哺疹愿女脾芹延殿匙摹稠惮氏繁钠伸达散到悯拐拇晶雅Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing I. General Introduction 1. What is a memo? 2. How is a memo laid out? 3. How to write a memo? 丢搂助拦错肚陈砂侩摹迎岁弛卧槛钨赎扒罩寻琅永掸絮粤颜祁盲泪置敷执Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing 1. What is a memo? A memorandum ??[mem?’r?nd?m]—or memo for short,is an intra-company (internal) document that is generally short, focuses on a single topic, reports information, makes a request, or recommends action. 痹图蕉鬼掷茄沽桑像甥炒别稽锥翘仔菱毁家柒矗榷过楔柄强哈搭啮懊埂赶Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing 备忘录(memorandum or memo )大致可分两类: 第一类属于正式公文,常作为外交函件或商业合同的补充条款或事项,具有一定法律约束性,因此文体正规,措词严谨。 第二类备忘录是一种非正式的商务文件、便条,多用于公司或机关内部,是以书面形式来交流内部事务的一种简便函件。它可以用来解释政策、程序和指示;发布通知,提出信息和行动要求;答复要求。也可以用来提醒事务或对决定、电话交谈、会议提供书面记录。由于这类备忘录流通于一定单位内部,因此大多格式简明、语言通俗。 我们将主要介绍第二类备忘录即商务备忘录(office memos)。 睛吃菠坦鉴姚软冉鄂份愚簧铺城牟联蝎颖愿薄箍熬掸糕汇妨凶肉无渍占铜Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing Functions Inform reader of new information -informative (i.e., policy changes, etc) Persuade reader to take action - persuasive (i.e., attend meeting, etc) 苗盒帐亏也乐牲恍古错转欢牟婪皇产囚雅袖务蓟论筏碴就秸而的拢足悲缮Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing Memo versus Letter Memos resemble letters in that they communicate information and are commonly used in the world of business writing. However, memos differ from letters in several important ways: Memos are almost always used within an organization . Memos are usually unceremonious in style. Memos are short and to-the-point . Memos do not have a salutation and complimentary close. Memos have a specific format. 邓足鄂艘裙勉舌蔡篡异聪陷褪针蹋询嗓娩部赏响睁潦完仔绕伙架死走瞩胸Chapter 2 Memo writingChapter 2 Memo writing 2. How is a memo laid out? Memo Heading


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