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Lesson 93 A noble gift 崇高的礼物 1.One of the most famous monuments in the world, the Statue of Liberty, was presented to… by the people of France. 世界上最著名的纪念碑之一的自由女神雕像是……由法国人民赠送给……的。 (1)one of 引导的短语(其后面名词要用复数)与 the Statue of…为同位语。 (2)the people 通常指某个国家的人民,指复数的“人们”时通常不用 the: It was officially presented to the American people by Bartholdi. 它由巴索尔地正式赠送给美国人民。 He never pays attention to what people say. 他从不在乎人们会说什么。 A lot of / Few people went to their wedding. 许多/没几个人参加(了)他们的婚礼。 2.The actual figure was made of copper…这座雕像的主体是用铜制成的…… made of 指用某种材料制成,并且原材料的性质或形状没变,从成品可以看出其原材 料 3.it was taken to pieces,它被拆成若干小块。 take…to pieces 为固定短语,表示“把……拆开/拆散”: When the machine broke down again, some mechanics took it to pieces. 当那台机器再次出毛病时,一些机械师便把它拆开了。 This machine is too large to be transported in whole. It has to be taken to pieces first. 这台机器太大了,无法整个地运送,得把它先拆开。 3.it was taken to pieces,它被拆成若干小块。 take…to pieces 为固定短语,表示“把……拆开/拆散”: When the machine broke down again, some mechanics took it to pieces. 当那台机器再次出毛病时,一些机械师便把它拆开了。 This machine is too large to be transported in whole. It has to be taken to pieces first. 这台机器太大了,无法整个地运送,得把它先拆开。 5.to make their homes in America,在美国安家落户。make ones home 表示“定居”、“居住”: Ian (has) left England and made his home in China. 伊恩已离开英国,并在中国安了家。 1.support vt. (1)支持,支撑(某个具体东西): The actual figure was supported by a metal framework. 这座雕像的主体由金属框架支撑着。 Feeling weak, she supported herself against a desk and rested for a short time. 她觉得有点虚弱,便靠着一张书桌休息了一小会儿。 (2)拥护,赞成,支持(人、想法等): He made the right decision. Unfortunately, nobody supported him. 他的决定是正确的。不幸的是,没有人支持他。 I supported his opinion that another bridge should be built over the river. 我赞成他的观点,即这条河上应该再建一座桥。 (3)抚养,供养,赡养: You need a high income these days to support a large family. 现在,要有高收入才能养活一个大家庭。 My son can support himself now. 我儿子现在能养活自己了。 2.同形不同音的词 许多词既可以作名词又可以作动词: 但有些词作为不同的词类使用时发音上,尤其是重音的位置会有变化: We will send a present to our former headmaster. 我们将送一份礼物给我们以前的校长。


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