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编号 本科生毕业论文 格力空调差异化营销策略研究 Research on the Differential Marketing Strategy of Gree Air -Conditioning 学 生 姓 名 堵晶晶 专 业 市场营销 学 号 0609241-01 指 导 教 师 陈丽霞 学 院 经济管理学院 2010年 6 月 摘 要 随着全球经济的一体化和高速发展,营销策略的选择在商业竞争中发挥越来越重要的作用,差异化战略被视为现代企业的三大核心战略之一,集中表现为差异化营销传播,即通过一系列的营销策略创造自身品牌的唯一性和独特性。 本文以珠海格力空调的差异化营销为研究对象,从差异化营销的相关理论入手,对格力空调实施差异化营销策略的背景环境,即宏观环境、行业竞争状况、格力空调企业内部情况以及实施差异化营销策略的必要性和可能性四个方面进行分析,然后应用STP营销原理,结合格力空调的自身条件和其主要竞争对手美的、海尔的优劣势对比,进行准确的空调市场定位。接着,本文以“4Ps”理论为指导,以差异化营销理论为思路,概括格力空调在产品、价格、渠道和促销等方面的差异化营销策略。最后文章总结了格力空调差异化营销策略对其他空调制造企业的启示。 关键词:差异化营销 格力空调 4P Abstract With rapid development and integration of the global economic, the choice of marketing strategy plays an increasingly important role in commercial competition. Differentiation strategy, which is one of the three core strategies in modern companies, concentrates on the spreading of differentiated marketing that through marketing strategies to create its uniqueness brand. In this paper, the article does research on the differentiated marketing in Zhuhai Gree air-conditioning. First, the article starts from the relative theory of differentiated marketing, to analysis the background environment of Gree Air Conditioning which includes the macro environment, industry, internal situation and the necessity and possibility to implement differentiated marketing strategy. Then based on the principle of STP , the article compares the Gree air own conditions to its main competitors’, to obtain its accurate position in air-conditioning market. then combined 4Ps theory and differentiated marketing theory, the article summed up the differentiated marketing strategy of Gree air-conditioning in product, price, place and promotion. Finally, it proposed some advises to the other air conditioning manufacturers in China based on the differentiated marketing strategy of Gree air-conditioning . Keywords: Differential Marketing Gree air-conditioning 4P 目录 引 言 1 1. 差异化营销相关理论 2 1.1市场营销的


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