Ages Stages Questionnaires Social-Emotional.PPT

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Ages Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional Presented by: Kevin Fenstermacher, Ph.D. Nicholas Tsandes, L.C.S.W. The Children’s Center Objectives Define Screening Issues/Considerations related to assessing children’s behaviors The ASQ:SE Scoring, interpretation, and referral issues Cross-Cultural Considerations What is the ASQ system? Parent/caregiver completed screening tools Series of questionnaires for children 3 months to 5 years Identifies children in need of further assessment due to potential developmental (ASQ) or social-emotional delay (ASQ:SE) Facilitates parent involvement A Two Component Approach ASQ Communication Gross Motor Fine Motor Problems solving Personal-Social Uses of ASQ:SE A screening tool to help guide decisions about referrals for further assessment Monitor child’s social-emotional development Determine information/support services families may need Facilitate communication between parents and professionals about a child’s behavior Screening A brief assessment procedure designed to identify children who should receive more intensive diagnosis or evaluation from local early intervention, early childhood special education, mental health or health systems. Diagnostic Assessment An in-depth assessment of one or more developmental areas to determine the nature and extent of a physical or developmental problem and determine if the child is eligible for early intervention or mental health services. Monitoring Developmental surveillance (screening at frequent intervals) at-risk infants and toddlers not known to be eligible for special health, educational or mental health services. Screening Why Screen Social-Emotional Behaviors? Part C of IDEA calls for the Social-Emotional area to be assessed and services provided if necessary. Programs such as Head Start mandate that this area be addressed in their performance standards. Links to early social emotional behaviors and subsequent outcomes. Why assess social-emotional development? “Clear stag



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