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襄樊高新技术产业对襄樊经济发展影响的探讨专业:地理科学 学号名:秦罗义 摘要:对于发展城市经济而言,发展高新技术产业是必不可少的,当今各国之间的较量都是经济和技术的较量,一个城市既没有经济也没有技术就不会有进一步的发展,会逐渐衰落下去。经济的发展和高新技术产业的兴起是相互关联的,经济的发展是高新技术产业的基础,高新技术产业是经济发展的保障。襄樊市是湖北省第二大城市,工业基础雄厚,交通便利,地理位置优越,是中部地区的重要工业城市。但现在其在中国的工业地位在走向衰落,完全没有上世纪八十年代的雄风,究其原因是改革开放后其工业结构还很单一,工业多为高耗能、高污染的重工业,产值较低,竞争力弱,和东部沿海开放城市的经济差距越来越来大。而现今高技术产业发展迅猛,对经济发展有举足轻重地作用,襄樊须抓住机遇促进城市的二次崛起。襄樊的高新技术开发区拥有众多高新技术企业,可以充分发挥此优势实现经济的大发展。关键词:高新技术;经济发展;产业结构;重点发展Xiangfan hi-tech industry development in xiangfan economic influenceAbstract: For the development of urban economy, the development of high and new technology industry is indispensable, the competition between countries today is economy and technology, a city without economic and no technical skills wouldnt have further development, will weaken. The development of the economy and the rise of high-tech industries are interrelated, the economic development is the foundation of hi-tech industry, hi-tech industry is the guarantee of economic development. Assist fencing city is the second largest city, hubei province industrial base, convenient transportation, the geographical position is superior, the central region is an important industrial city. But now its position in the industry in China to decline, no wind up in the 1980s, the reason was after the reform and opening its industrial structure is more onefold, industrial production, high pollution for heavy industry, low value and weak competitiveness, and the eastern coastal open city economy growing gap. But now the rapid development of high technology industry and to economic development plays an important role in xiangfan city, should seize the opportunity to promote the rise of second city. The high-tech development zone of xiangfan has many high-tech enterprises, can give full play to the advantages of realizing economic development.Keywords:High technology Economic development Industrial structure Key development1 城市现状:  襄樊市地处湖北省西北部,居长江最大支流汉江的中游,秦岭大巴山余脉,是“省域副中心城市”\“全国历史文化名城”、


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