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摘  要 在参考文献基础上,本课题结合实际开展了以下研究工作:观察分析WCP内磁屏蔽钢在不同卷曲温度下微观组织的变化规律;观察分析不同卷曲温度对析出物、夹杂物的影响。 本课题研究所用试样取自武钢提供的WCP热轧板材。通过对线切割加工的WCP钢在不同卷曲温度下的试样进行轧向横截面的显微组织观测,发现随着卷曲温度的升高,金相组织晶粒尺寸都得到多边形化,大量变形带和位错消失,680℃轧向横截面组织平均晶粒度达到5.1级。同时发现同一卷曲温度下头部试样组织晶粒尺寸略偏大、相应变形带和位错偏少,这是由于实际存在的头尾温度差引起的。在对析出物、夹杂物的测试中发现,在较高卷曲温度下析出物形貌尺寸偏大;在不同卷曲温度下夹杂物都主要是硅酸盐夹杂,此外还有少量铝酸盐和锰的氧化物夹杂等,卷曲温度对夹杂的种类和形貌没有影响。 通过对WCP内磁屏蔽钢在不同卷曲温度下组织变化、析出物形貌差异以及夹杂物测试,对促进实际生产工艺优化和新技术、新产品的推广和开发具有重要指导意义和参考价值。 The microstructure of inter-magnetic shielded steel under different curled temperature Abstract This thesis combined practice and consulting a large number of document, research work was carried out as follows: to observe and analyze the rule of microstructure of WCP梚mnter-magnetic shielded steel for different temperature of curl, and to observe and analyze the influence of different curled temperature upon the precipitation and impurity. The testing samples was taken from the hot strip of inter-magnetic shielded steel of WUGANG. The result showed that the grains grow up and polygonize following with the increasing of the curl temperature. Lots of the deformation and the dislocation band are gone. At 680 ℃, the average of the grain granularity in microstructure of rolling direction reaches 5.1 horizontal. Meanwhile, the grains in the head testing sample are larger than the end. It is because that the different temperature between the head and the tail. It is detected between the precipitation and the impurity experimentation that under the higher curl temperature the precipitation facial look size is partial to the large; the majority of the impurities under the different curled temperature are silicate, moreover with some aluminates and manganese oxide and so on. The variety and shape of impurities are irrelevant to the different curled temperature. It is significant and valuable that through observing and analyzing the rule of microstructure、precipitation and impurity of WCP—inter-magnetic shielded steel under different curled tempera


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