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滞后现象 (1) 瓶颈效应——墨水瓶滞后作用 不同大小的孔隙,以及相互连通的孔隙喉道之间的尺寸差别造成了这种作用。在浸润过程中,由于孔隙以及与其连通的喉道之间存在着尺寸差异,孔隙水在涌入的过程中自然面临着瓶颈的“约束”而难以突破,导致在相同吸力下浸润时的含水量小于干燥时的含水量。 滞后现象 -- 接触角的影响 在干燥与浸润过程中,水-气交界面上的接触角会有所不同。一般干燥时接触角小,浸润时大;小的接触角对应的表面张力较大,因此对水的滞留能量较大。接触角的大小差异决定了水的滞留特性的差别,这种现象称之为雨点效应。 Hysteresis phenomenon (3) The encapsulation of air in ‘blind’ or ‘dead-end’ pores, which further reduces the water content of newly wetted soil. Failure to attain true equilibrium (strictly speaking, not true hysteresis) can accentuate the hysteresis effect. (4) Swelling, shrinkage or aging phenomena, which result in differential changes of soil structure, depending on the wetting and drying history of the sample. Scanning curve Air entry value The air-entry value (AEV, which is also called bubbling pressure), is defined as the matric suction at which air first enters the largest pores of the soil during a drying process Residual water content Water phase become discontinuous in soil 0 water content point Under the capillary forces in soil pores created by the surface tension and the adsorption forces on the surfaces of clay particles and in the clay interlayer, water can be retained in soils up to a maximum suction of 1000 MPa (Fredlund and Rahardjo 1993). It has been experimentally supported for a variety of soils (Croney and Coleman 1961) and is supported by thermodynamic considerations (Richards 1965). The void ratio approaches the void ratio at the shrinkage limit of the soil as the water content approaches 0%. A change in matric suction might not affect the mechanical behavior of a soil as it gets very dry (i.e., under high matric suction values). Void ratio versus water content for Regina clay (from Fredlund, 1964) Soil drying process SWCC of slurry sample Influence of initial state Soil drying process Regina clay Hints Volume change during the draining process could not be neglected Wetting/drying cycles Experimental data and swcc model SWCC of five soils SWCC model SWCC curve fitting Excel tools


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