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AC边界: 由于A同处于AB,AC边界,因此,需同时满足式(1)和式(2) ,由此解得: ,问题得证。 [练习6] 图a)所示为一矩形截面水坝,其右侧面受静水压力。 顶部受集中力P作用。试写出水坝的应力边界条件,固定边不必考虑。 P x O y h h a) P x O y b) P x O y c) Solution: 1.List the stress boundary term. (1) The left boundary: (2) The right boundary: 解: 1、列出应力边界条件 (1)左边界: (2)右边界: P x O y h h a) P x O y b) P x O y c) Top End Part: [Exercise 7] The structure in the figure is consist of two kinds of different materials.Try to get solution to displacement and stress answer with the function of load q in the vertical distribution of equality (Establishing h,a,l, has been known). 1.Adopt the solution to displacement.Because this structure is placed in the pressuring state with double direction of equality(Both stress and strain are the constant quantity), therefore, we can suppose its displacement as a line function and now divide two fields on top and underneath to express: Solution: (3)上端部: [练习7] 图所示结构由两种不同材料构成。试求其在竖向均布荷载q作用下的位移和应力解答(设h,a,L, 均已知)。 1、采用位移解法。由于此结构处于双向均匀受压状态(应力、应变为常量),因此,可假设其位移是线性函数,现分上、下两区域表达为: 解: The Part ABCD: The Part CDEF: Obviously,the type(1) and type(2) can satisfy Lamei equation of the plane stress circumstance. 2.Consider the displacement constraints and continuous term of transformation: From it, we can get: ABCD部分: CDEF部分: 显然式(1)、式(2)能满足平面应力情况下的拉梅方程式。 2、考虑位移约束和变形连续条件: 由此解得: q x B D a h F L L y O A C E q x B D a h F L L y O A C E 3.Consider the stress boundary term and stress continuous term (The surface of CD is a smooth contact): From it, we can get: 4.The displacement and the stress weight are: 3、考虑应力边界条件和应力连续条件(CD面为光滑接触): 由此解得: 4、位移及应力分量为: §2-10 常体力情况下的简化 常体力下,两种平面问题的相容方程都简化为: 可见,在常体力的情况下, 应当满足拉普拉斯微分方程(调和方程), 应当是调和函数。 用记号 代表 ,上式简写为: 结论 在单连体的应力边界问题中,如果两个弹性体具有相同的边界形状,并受到同样分布的外力,那么,不管这两个弹性体的材料是否相同,也不管它们是在平面应力情况下或是在平面应变情况下,应力分量 、 、 的分布是相同的(两种平面问题中的应力分量 ,以及形变和位移,却不一定相同)。 Inference 2 When measuring the above stress weight of the structure or component with the method of e


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