2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 选修6 Unit 3 Word版含解析.docVIP

2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 选修6 Unit 3 Word版含解析.doc

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第一部分 选修六 Unit 3 Ⅰ.阅读理解 (2015·山东省威海市二模) Run, swim, lift weights, do yoga—do something, because its good for you. Many studies tell us that regular exercise not only helps our bodies but improves memory, and eases anxiety. But what is happening to the mind during workout to create all these benefits? A new study from Sweden suggests that a specific protein found in trained muscles might contribute to exercises mental benefits. This protein, the researchers found, might help our bodies process molecules that, if out of balance, can stress us and contribute to depression(萎靡不振). The findings were published in the journal Cell. To test this, the researchers kept attacking some mice with flashing lights, loud noises and interrupting their sleep for weeks. Predictably, this treatment makes the mice show signs and biochemical markers of depression. But not all the mice showed those signs. One group, specially raised to have high levels of a protein called PGC-1alpha1 (the one in trained muscles), did not show those depression signs. PGC-1alpha1 increases production of an enzyme that breaks down a chemical called kynurenine. Kynurenine helps the body respond to an activated immune system(活性免疫系统), but it also plays a role in depression. “Our original research assumption was that trained muscle would produce a substance(物质) with beneficial effects on the brain,” Jorge Ruas of the Karolinska Institute told F. “We actually found the opposite: well-trained muscle produces an enzyme that removes harmful substances away from the body.” This study was in mice, but it lines up nicely with all the other lines of evidence that exercise is good for mental health. 文章大意:体育锻炼有益身心健康,但是我们的大脑在锻炼过程中发生了什么变化从而有益于我们的身心的呢?本文给出了答案:锻炼的肌肉中产生了一种enzyme物质,它带走了我们身体里的有害物质。 1.According to the study, which of the following is bad for your mental health? A.Protein.          B.Molecule. C.Enzyme. D.Kynurenine. 答案:D 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句话“...but it also plays a role in depression.”可知,Kynurenine会造成我们心情萎靡不振。该题易误选B项,由



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