2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 必修5 Unit 1 Word版含解析.docVIP

2017年高考英语人教版一轮复习习题 必修5 Unit 1 Word版含解析.doc

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第一部分 必修五 Unit 1 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A (2015·青岛市二模) Scientists investigated why Ebola virus is so deadly when it spreads from animals to humans and then from human-to-human contact. The research team looked at the Zaire Ebola virus in an animal system to understand how it gains strength. This virus is responsible for the current outbreak in West Africa. They found that initially the animal systems were not affected by the virus, but succeeding transmission(传送) into other animals caused the virus to “hot up” and become more severe. The team analyzed the viruses at different stages and were able to identify several changes in its genetic material that were associated with increased disease. Professor Julian Hiscox, who led the study from the Universitys Institute of Infection and Global Health, explains: “The work tells us that the evolutionary goal of Ebola virus is to become more fatal.” “We were able to show through genetic analysis which parts of the virus are involved in this process. The information we have gathered will now allow us to monitor for such changes in an outbreak as well as develop future treatment strategies.” Professor Roger Hewson, leading the study from Public Health England, Porton Down, said: “Ebola virus is such a destructive infection to the people affected by the disease and the economy of West Africa.” “Our understanding of Ebola virus biology is way behind that of other viruses and our cooperation shows how we can bring together our specialists skills to close this knowledge gap.” Professor Miles Carroll, a co-author of the work, said: “This study has allowed the team to be at the forefront of developing methodologies to analyze patient samples recently taken by the European Mobile Laboratory from West Africa to understand disease evolution during the current outbreak.” 文章大意:本文是医疗科研报告。文章主要讲述了关于埃博拉病毒的研究进展情况,该病毒与什么有关系,该如何控制该病的疫情。 1.What does the first paragraph mainly tell us? A.How severe Ebola virus is. B.How Ebola virus spreads. C.How Ebola virus gr



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