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LecturePLUS Timberlake Chapter 4Compounds and Their Bonds 4.1 Valence Electrons 4.2 Octet Rule and Ions Chemical Bonds Attraction between two or more atoms Interaction between valence electrons Ionic bonds Covalent bonds Valence Electrons Electrons in the highest (outer) electron level Have most contact with other atoms Known as valence electrons Outer shells of noble gases contain 8 valence electrons (except He = 2) Example: Ne 2, 8 Ar 2, 8, 8 Electron Dot Structures Symbols of atoms with dots to represent the valence-shell electrons 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A 8A H? He: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Li? Be? ? B ? ? C ? ? N ? ? O ? : F ? :Ne : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Na? Mg? ? Al? ? Si ? ?P? ?S? :Cl ? :Ar : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Learning Check ? A. X would be the electron dot formula for 1) Na 2) K 3) Al ? ? B. ? X ? would be the electron dot formula ? 1) B 2) N 3) P Solution ? A. X would be the electron dot formula for 1) Na 2) K ? ? B. ? X ? would be the electron dot formula ? 2) N 3) P Octet Rule An octet in the outer shell makes atoms stable Electrons are lost, gained or shared to form an octet Unpaired valence electrons strongly influence bonding Formation of Ions from Metals Ionic compounds result when metals react with nonmetals Metals lose electrons to match the number of valence electron
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