
Chemical Laboratory Safety The University of Sheffield谢菲尔德大学化学实验室安全.ppt

Chemical Laboratory Safety The University of Sheffield谢菲尔德大学化学实验室安全.ppt

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Chemical Laboratory Safety Additional Information Where to start Before looking at this presentation, ensure that you have watched the one on General Laboratory Safety What are the additional hazards from chemical materials? Toxic substances Solvents Corrosives Flammables Irritants Carcinogens Teratogens Mutagens Explosives Radiation and many, many more How do toxic materials enter the body? By mouth (contaminated fingers!) By breathing in gases, aerosols or powder By skin contact or damage By absorption through intact skin By splashes into the eyes What legislation applies? (1) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regs 2004 Use data sheets and other relevant information (eg EH40) to assess risk Consider not only reactants but also intermediates, products and waste Take into account the format (eg solution or powder) and the quantity to be used Determine safe working procedures Determine emergency procedures, ensuring that all equipment and “mop-up” materials are available Consider correct waste disposal What legislation applies? (2) Other relevant legislation includes: Dangerous Substances Explosive Atmosphere Regs 2005 Pressure Systems Regs 2000 Provision Use of Work Equipment Regs 1998 This list is not exhaustive!! Fume Cupboards Ensure that the equipment is working properly Ensure you know the meaning of warning signals and how to use any controls Close the sash unless loading or unloading Do not use fume cupboards for storage Keep the work area clear of other materials etc Materials Obtain the minimum amounts needed for your work Ensure that all containers are clearly labelled with their contents and a hazard label Toxic materials must be locked away Corrosive substances must be stored securely at a low level in bunded trays Keep flammable materials in specially designed cupboards and only have out the minimum for immediate use (50L per room) Store acids, bases solvents separately Good practice Never mouth-pipette Always dilute concentrated



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