
Coffee Waste as a Soil Amendment on Tree Seedling 咖啡废弃物作为土壤改良剂对苗木的研究.ppt

Coffee Waste as a Soil Amendment on Tree Seedling 咖啡废弃物作为土壤改良剂对苗木的研究.ppt

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Coffee Waste as a Soil Amendment on Tree Seedling Growth in Nursery Production at the National Conservation Training Center Casey W. Johnson Shepherd University Institute for Environmental Studies The National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) The NCTC is the Flagship Training Facility of the Department of the Interior. NCTCs environmental mission: seek and employ sustainable practices provide a wide scope of environmentally friendly services and products Photo credit: Ryan Hagarty Introduction: NCTC’s Reforestation Projects Reforestation of previously agricultural fields Previous pasture or agriculture soils typically show moderate pH moderate to low phosphorus lowered total nitrogen levels (Hooper, 2002) Agricultural fields will generally have lower levels of nutrients compared to previously untouched areas. (Fraterrigo, 2005) NCTC Reforestation 1938 Aerial photo Pre-NCTC Credit: NCTC - The Coffee Waste Dilemma Potential use as a soil amendment for nursery operations Black Walnut (Juglans nigra L.) Black Oak (Quercus velutina Lam.) Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) Black Cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh). Introduction Objective: Determine effects of coffee grounds on seedling growth. Null hypothesis: Waste coffee grounds will have no effect on native tree seedling height when used as a soil amendment in local topsoil. Materials Methods: Experimental Design Experimental design Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) blocked by species type One plant per pot Nine pots per tray Eighteen replicates per treatment 54 trees of each species for a total of 216 trees Each seedling received an addition of coffee waste in three amounts (by volume). zero percent (control) ten percent thirty percent Photo credits: Stuewe and Sons, Inc. Materials Methods Coffee ground collection Collected from facility break stations Collected over a year and a half period Sent to a soil testing lab pH Total Magnesium Total Calcium Total Po


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