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二、气和津液的关系 Relationship Between Qi and Body Fluid 1.气能生津Generating Fluid Action of Qi 2.气能行津Circulating Fluid Action of Qi 3.气能摄津Consolidating Fluid Action of Qi 4.津能载气Carrying Qi Action of Fluid 血与津液 三、血和津液的关系 Relationship Between Blood and Body Fluid 都是液态物质,都有滋润和濡养作用 与气相对而言,都属于阴 津血同源 Body fluid and blood derived from the same source. 水谷精气所化生 Blood and body fluid are derived from the essence of drink and food. Both blood and body fluid are liquid substance. They have the same function of moistening and nourishing, and both belong to yin by comparison with qi. * 第三章 精气血津液神 精Vital essence 气Qi 血Blood 津液Body fluid 神Vitality Vital essence, Qi, Blood, Body Fluid and Vitality 第一节 精Vital essence 精的概念Concept of essence 精的分类Classification of essence 精的功能Functions of essence 精的贮藏与施泄Store and discharge of essence 精的概念Concept of essence 精----又称精气,是一种充塞于宇宙之中的无形 而运动不息的极细微物质,是构成宇宙万 物的本原;在某些情况下,专指气中的精 粹部分,是构成人类的本原。 “人始生,先成精” 先天之精与后天之精 脏腑之精 生殖之精 精的分类Classification of essence 先天之精:禀受于父母,源于生殖之精,是构成胚胎的原始物质,是生命产生的本原 后天之精:源于饮食水谷,是维持人体生命活动的重要物质 含义:分藏于脏腑之中的精 功能:滋润濡养各脏腑,化生脏腑之气,推动和调控脏腑的生理活动 先天之精与后天之精合化生成——繁衍后代 先天之精充盛 精的功能Functions of essence 后天之精充盛 脏腑之精充盈 肾精充盛 脏腑组织官窍得到精的充养 生理机能正常发挥 精的贮藏 精的施泄 精的贮藏与施泄 Store and discharge of essence 后天之精 经脾气的转运输送至各脏腑组织 先天之精 贮藏于肾 脏腑之精 剩余部分 分藏于各个脏腑之中,濡养脏腑,并化气以推动和调控各脏腑的机能 化为生殖之精而有度的排泄以繁衍生命 第二节 气 气的概念Concept of Qi 气的生成Formation of Qi 气的运动Movements of Qi 气的功能Functions of Qi 气的分类Classification of Qi 气的基本概念 Concept of Qi 气是构成人体基本物质。 气又是维持人体生命活动的基本物质。 Qi is the basic substance which makes up the human body. Further, qi is the essential material which maintains the life activities. 气的生成 Formation of Qi 先天之气 水谷精微之气 自然界之清气 Qi in the human body comes from three sources: the congenital essential qi inherited from the parents; the food essential qi from the essence of drink and food; the clear qi (fresh air) inhaled by lung from the atmosphere. 肾 脾胃 肺 气


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