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五省区高考试卷设置与赋分 (1)听力中第二节听取信息题 听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为16—20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有80秒钟的作答时间。 Assumption 1: False Getting information is the most important, but not the only purpose of reading. Sometimes we read for pleasure, i. e., when we read literary works. It is suggested “pleasurable reading悦读” helps ESL/EFL students best. Assumption 2: True. Reading aloud is considered more useful for pronunciation practice, listening comprehension, dictation, etc. but it is not a common real-world activity. Reading aloud in the classroom does not often help students to focus on the meaning of the text because the students have to concentrate on pronunciation, intonation, pausing and the recognition of new words. Remember, even mouthing can slow down reading and affect understanding. Assumption 3 : True. Effective reading depends first of all on having a purpose for reading, i.e., knowing why you are reading a text. The purpose will determine what specific information you are going to look for and the appropriate type of reading skills to be used. Assumption 4: Not true. First of all, if our eyes are constantly moving in a straight line from left to right, we can see nothing because there is no focus. Rather, our eyes are always jumping. Secondly, the eyes do not jump from letter to letter, word to word, but from “group of words” to “group of words”. For each jump, our eyes take in a phrase, rather than a word. Assumption 5: True. Although all students are encouraged to read as fast as possible, they always read at different speeds. So students can start reading together, can read aloud together, but they cannot “read together.” They might be using one book, but they are reading individually. The reading result is always different. Timed reading or Fast reading 能否拿出学生从高一到高三阅读所有课文的不同阅读速度记录表格? 是否在高一上学期就教会学生如何根据阅读文章的题材和


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