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第六章 生态、自然和环保   SECTION I: 英译中   A   a killing frost?? 严寒   abrasion? n. 侵蚀;磨损   acid rain??? n.酸雨   [详析]   Acid rain is an air pollution produced when acid chemicals are incorporated into rain, snow, fog or mist. The acid in acid rain comes from sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, products of burning coal and other fuels and from certain industrial processes.   acidification?? n.土地酸化   afforestation? n. 绿化造林   agricultural ecology? 农业生态学   air emission standards??? 空气排放标准   air pollution???? 空气污染   air pollution emission?? 空气污染排放(物)   algae n. 藻类,海藻   alternative fuels --替代燃料   [详析]   Alternative fuels include compressed natural gas, alcohols, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and electricity.   altitude? n. 海拔   ample rainfall??? n. 充足的雨量   annual temperature range?? 年气温幅度   anomalies n. 反常(现象)   aquatic life? 水生植物   arid?? adj. 干旱的   artificial rain???? n.人工降雨   ash???? n. 灰烬   atmosphere (The)? n. 大气层   Autumnal Equinox (fall equinox) 秋分(9月22日左右)   [扩展]   Vernal Equinox (spring equinox)? 春分(3月21日左右)   B   biosphere? n. 生物圈   [详析]   The terrestrial biosphere includes the living biota (plants and animals) and the litter and soil organic matter on land, and the marine biosphere includes the biota and detritus in the oceans.   biota n. [生态]生物区   [详析]   Biota means the animal and plant (fauna and flora) life of a given area.   barrier effect of mountains??? 山的阻隔效应、栅栏效应   beachgoer n. 海滩游客   biomes? n. 生物群系   black hole? n. 黑洞   [详析]   Black hole is a place where the gravity is so strong that light cant even escape from it. how would you know where to look for it? it can also be interpreted as gateways to an alternative universe.   C   canopy? n. 树冠, 华盖   car exhaust? n.汽车尾气   carbon dioxide (CO2)? n. 二氧化碳   carbon monoxide (CO) n. 一氧化碳   Clean Air Act?? n. 清洁空气法案   [详析]   The 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments are the most far-reaching revisions of the 1970 law. In this summary, we refer to the 1990 amendments as the 1990 Clean Air Act.   clean energy?? n. 清洁能源   clean fuels?


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