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* * 七年级人教新目标上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Section B 根据汉语提示写出单词: 1.Ask your teacher for your______(笔记本). 2.Is this your ______(棒球)? 3.I lost a set of ______(钥匙). 4.I like playing _______(电脑) games. 5.Are these your ID ______( 信息卡)? notebook baseball keys computer card Is this your watch ?My phone number is 495-3539. Call me. John Lin Hai, A computer game is in the school library. Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it. Mike 2b Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things. lost: I lost my school ID card. I must find it. Call me at 685-6034. Tom Found: Some keys are in classroom7E. Are they yours? E-mail me at maryg2@ . 2c Read the notices again and work down the items. Then check( √ ) lost or Found. Foud Lost Item √ √ √ √ computer game keys watch school ID Card 1. 1.A computer game is _______________. (在校图书馆里) 2.____ the teacher ___ it.(问老师要) 3.__________ (一些钥匙)are in _____________(7E教室 ). 4.I ______ my ______________(校卡). 5.I must ____________(找到它). 6.___ me __ 685-6034.(拨打685-6034找我) 7. ______me _____ maryg2@. (给我发邮件到). in the school library Ask for Some keys Classroom 7E lost school ID card find it Call at E-mail at 3a Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box. name yours found 284-5486 lost call 679-8871. Please me at My is David. :My notebook Call Jenny at . Are these ? :A set of keys Lost name call Found yours 284-5486 Lost 寻物启事 当你丢失东西的时候, 你需要写Lost,共四部分: 1. 标题 2. 丢失的东西 3. 丢东西人的姓名 4. 联系电话 Found 失物招领 如果你拾到别人的东西,你该怎样归还给失主呢? 你需要写Found, 分五部分: 1. 标题 2. 拾到的东西 3. 询问某物是不是丢东西人的 4. 联系人 5. 联系电话 3b Write your own lost or found notice with your name and telephone number.


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