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四级词组短语 1.1 be well worth doing sth值得的 far from一点都不 a couple of 两三个 get access to 获得 keep up with跟上 feel like doing sth想要 give up放弃 come across偶然遇上 reap the benefits of得到好处 trade…for用……换 participate in参加 now that由于 reach out to接触 play a role in起……作用 be aware of对……清楚 in addition另外 reflect on考虑,深思 allow for顾及 1.2 blast forth突然响起 along with一道 turn on开 turn off关 turn up增大 turn down减小 over and over一次次 reach for伸手去抓 as well as还有 as usual与往常一样 that much那么…… burst into 匆匆进入 bolt out匆匆离开 in peace and quiet平静地 make one’s blood boil使生气 get rid of 消除 the knots in one’s stomach不安 go too far走极端 drop out of退出 talk over商量 1.3 grow up成长 start out出发 make it及时赶到 even if即使 even though即使 subject to使遭受 in some way以某种方式 have a good time过得愉快 break 务须 come to 复苏 now and again不时 call for要求 set out出发 for a while一会儿 pay no attention to不注意 now and then 不时 with that接着,于是 on one’s way to在路上 turn out证明是 1.4 make up one’s mind下定决心 range from…to…变化 focus on集中 drive sb crazy使受不了 at one’s best最佳状态 communicate with交流 lighten up放松 take…seriously认真对待 lack of缺乏 find out 查明 actions speak louder than words in relation to有关 be acquainted with了解 pick up获得 in part某种程度上 account for说明 feel at home感到无拘束 be content with感到满足 a wealth of大量的 1.5 be infected with感染疾病 in place of代替 suffer from受苦 pass out分发,晕倒 as a result结果 at risk有风险 regardless of不管 the solution to 解决的办法 threaten to do sth扬言要…… distract…from使分心 sign up(for sth)报名参加 in haste匆忙 prior to 在……之前 make it成功做某事 start with从……开始 assist (sb with) sth帮助做某事 1.6 share with分享 part of一部分 fill with充满 define…as界定 mistake for误当作 fill one’s need满足需要 bring up 提起 save from保留,抢救 make the rounds串门拜访 go with 相配 Who are you to say…?你竟敢说 boast about吹牛 stay away from别靠近 stay at保留 contrary to 相反 look down upon轻视 be in for免不了遭受 hold water站得住脚 1.7 face to face (with)面对面的 pull into车停靠 as if似乎 as though好像 attach to连接到 rather than而不 have mercy on someone可怜某人 get to one’s feet站起来 look through浏览 be out of control失去控制 eat (away) at侵蚀 hold dear珍惜 be immune to有免疫力的 believe in信任 b


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