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2015英语答案 听力 Unit 1 Short Conversations B Because they are all from the same culture. D Dealing with how foreigners think about time. C Relaxing more when dealing with Australians. D They don’t think time matters much. C Because he is used to being late in his own country. C Germans don’t turn up late for meetings. B They are more likely to be annoyed if people are late. B Because she had been there for two hours which she thought was too long. A Brother and sister. C Three and a half hours. Passage C Employees don’t attend meetings on time. D To tell people they must come to meetings on time. B Because it means people spend time waiting for latecomers. C He planned how he was going to tell his workers. B Because no one appeared at the meeting. VOA Scientists using measurements from the Hubble Space Telescope think they have found the...... 1. the age, size and future 2. seventy years ago 3. increase with distance 4. late that month 5. a light year 6. distances in space 7. other measurements 8. support the idea 9. slow down and break up 10. or possibly even older Unit 3 Short Conversations D The problems she experiences in her mixed marriage. A They are successful in general. B She think she will have difficulty with French culture. C To receive criticism about his marriage. D He learned about hie wife’s culture. A Because the man hasn’t got enough money. D Learning the Chinese language. B Someone who is from a similar culture. A He is her husband. B 65 percent. Passage B Marrying a person from another culture. D She wasn’t sure if the marriage would work. D She was beginning to look Chinese. A He has adopted some Canadian attitudes. B Because she thinks a person shouldn’t stay the same for his/her whole life. VOA Valent



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