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2010年10月31日,中国2010年上海世博会高峰论坛发表了《上海宣言》全文如下: FOLLOWING is the full text of the Shanghai Declaration of the World Expo 2010 jointly issued on October 31, 2010 by participant nations, regions and international organizations at the Summit Forum on the sidelines of the Expo. 我们,来自全球各地的参展方和所有参与者,在“城市,让生活更美好”主题的引导下,共同参与第一次在发展中国家举办的注册类世博会。在184天的会期里,各具创意的展览展示、精彩纷呈的文化活动、智慧迭出的论坛研讨让我们认识到,人类对美好生活的理解与追求引领城市发展。我们高度认同,必须重新审视城市化过程中人、城市与地球家园的关系。我们一致认为,通过创新来建设和谐城市,是城市可持续发展的解决之道。 We, participants and friends from all reaches of the globe, drawn by the theme Better City, Better Life, have gathered in Shanghai and jointly fashioned the first World Expo in a developing country organized under the auspices of the Bureau International des Expositions. During these 184 days, we have explored, envisioned and simulated the mosaic of urban life through the wonderful exhibitions of the pavilions, the instructive showcases of urban best practices, the in-depth intellectual exchanges in the forums and the brilliant cultural events. We have come to realize that peoples understanding and pursuit of a better life are both the foundations and the engines of urban development. We are also convinced that it is necessary to re-examine the relationship between people, cities and our planet. We agree that, in tackling the challenges of urban development, innovation offers solutions and the concept of Cities of Harmony embodies our dreams. 今天,50%以上的人已经居住在城市,我们的星球进入了城市时代。城市化和工业化在带给人类丰富现代文明成果的同时,也伴随着前所未有的挑战。人口膨胀、交通拥挤、环境污染、资源紧缺、城市贫困、文化冲突,正在成为全球性的问题。由于历史和现实的原因,这些现象在发展中国家尤为突出。中国2010年上海世博会在挑战中应运而生,在世博会历史上首次以城市为主题,通过城市最佳实践区和网上世博会等创举,总结实践经验,勾勒未来图景,对解决人类共同面临的难题,进行了开创性的探索。 At present, with more than half of humankind living in cities, our planet has entered the urban age. Rapid urbanization and industrialization have offered to humanity the abundant fruits of modern civilization, but at the same time they have brought unprecedented challenges. Population explosion, traffic congestion, environmental po


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