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本科学生毕业论文(设计) 开题报告书   题  目 The mental struggle between good and evil——a brief discussion about the theme of death and the intention of creation of Edgar Allan Poe 善恶交织的心灵挣扎——浅议爱伦坡作品中的死亡主题及其创作心理 填 表 说 明 1、指导教师意见由指导教师填写; 2、开题小组意见由开题指导小组负责人填写; 3、其余由学生在指导教师指导下填写。 4、此表供学院参考使用,各学院可根据各自学科专业的学术规范作适当调整。 论文(设计)题目 The mental struggle between good and evil——a brief discussion about the theme of death and the intention of creation of Edgar Allan Poe 学科分类(二级) 740.5011 题目来源(a.教师拟题;b.学生自拟;c.教师科研课题;d.其他) b 本选题的依据:1)说明本选题的研究意义和应用价值 2)简述本选题的研究现状和自己的见解 The Cask of Amontillado” is a short story by Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849), first published in the November 1846 issue of Godeys Ladys Book. The story is set in a nameless Italian city in an unspecified year and is about the narrators deadly revenge on a friend whom he believes has insulted him. Like several of Poes stories, and in keeping with the 19th-century fascination with the subject, the narrative revolves around a person being buried alive—in this case, by immurement. Poe’s another masterpiece, “The Black Cat”, is a short story first published in the August 19, 1843, edition of The Saturday Evening Post. It is a study of the psychology of guilt, often paired in analysis with Poes The Tell-Tale Heart. In both, a murderer carefully conceals his crime and believes himself unassailable, but eventually breaks down and reveals himself, impelled by a nagging reminder of his guilt. When it comes to Edgar Allan Poe’s literary works, quite a member of people would associate themselves with the theme of mysticism and Gothicism, and they contribute the theme to the unique literary status of Poe and his characteristic depiction style. However, few of them realized that it is the author’s psychological twist which caused by the social circumstances in his time and the past life experiences that played a major part in the creation of the theme of death and development of his masterpieces. This essay intends to i


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