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新疆农业大学 毕业论文 题 目: A Struggle for Identity : Jewish Quest in Goodbye, Columbus 姓 名: 张玉洁 学 院: 科技学院 专 业: 英语专业 班 级: 英语104 学 号: 105237426 指导教师: 杨晓丽 职称: 讲师 2014年5月 16日 新疆农业大学教务处制 Abstract: Goodbye Columbus is one of Philip Roths finest works of fiction, the protagonist Neil Klugman is involved in a struggle to develop and preserve an identity of his own amid different environments and conflicting impulses within himself. Throughout the story he makes love to Brenda Patimkin and tries to find a role for himself in society that corresponds to what he regards as his own, unique self. In the processes he loses Brenda, but he refuses to compromise and surrender what he regards as his integrity. As a modern, liberal intellectual living in the conservative American society of the 1950s, he identifies with a set of secular and rationalistic values that brings him into conflict with the world around him. He represents the third generation of a Jewish immigrant group that has experienced great changes and transitions, and his milieu is basically working class or lower middle class and strongly colored by traditional Jewish ethnic attitudes and customs. He himself is a librarian with a bachelors degree in philosophy and an assimilationist approach to American society. This thesis tries to make a profound research into Roth and Goodbye, Columbus from the perspective of the characters in Goodbye, Columbus. It analyzes the identity issues the Jewish Americans encounter in the melting environment in America and illustrates the pursuit of Jewish identity. Based on the methods of text-analysis, the thesis starts from the demonstration of identity crisis among contemporary Jewish Americans, illustrat


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