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中国十字花科(Brassicaceae)的系统演化和地理分布 王建林 栾运芳 大次卓嘎 常天军 (西藏农牧学院农学系 林芝 860000) 摘 要:中国十字花科植物共约112属435种,广泛分布于全国各地。它基本上是一个温带科,对亚热带和寒温带也有一定的适应性。本文分析了中国该科包含的10个族的系统位置和分布式样,以及各个属的分布区域。确认以青藏高原为主体的西部高山、丘陵地区为中国十字花科的多样性中心和分布中心,认为中国十字花科植物可能是本土起源的,其起源中心在青藏高原及周边高山地区,它们的起源时间至少在第三纪晚期以前。并提出我国十字花科植物的散布途径可能主要有三条:第一条是自青藏高原东北部,沿宁夏、陕西、内蒙古、山西、河北、到达东北大小兴安岭一带,并在蒙古高原及东北山地形成次分布中心;第二条,自青藏高原向东,经重庆、湖南、湖北、沿长江流域分布,到达东部沿海一带;第三条,自青藏高原东南部,经贵州、广西、广东、福建,延伸到台湾、马来西亚一带。 关键词:十字花科;地理分布;中国 A STUDY ON SYSTEMATIC EVOLUTION AND GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION  OF CRUCIFERAE IN CHINA Wang jian lin Luan yun fang Dacizhuoga Chang tian jun (Department of Agronomy, Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College,Linzhi,86000) Abstract: There are about 435 species of Brassicaceae (Belong 112 genus),of which extensively distribute many lands of China. It belongs to the family of temperate zone, and has some adaptation to subtropical zone and frigid-temperate zone. The numbers of species and genera, endemic genera, extant primitive genera, relationship and distribution patterns of presently living Cruciferae (10 tribes, and 112 genus ) are analyzed and compared for many distributional areas, namely central Qinghai-Tibet plateau and its around high-land and hills. The Qinghai-Tibet plateau and its around zone, where the number of genera and diversity of species are greater than in other areas, appears to be the center of distribution of extant Cruciferae. Based on the analysis of evolutionary trends in morphological characters of Brassicaceae and geological evidence, it is presumed that this genus probably originated in Qinghai-Tibet plateau region. Besides, this paper shows that there has three migration routes which lead to the present distribution pattern: a)From Qinghai-Tibet plateau Northeastward across Ningxia、Shanghai、Luimenggu、 Shanxi 、Hebei to the Northeastern of China. b)From Qinghai-Tibet plateau eastward across Chongqing、 Hunan、 Hubei along Changjiang river basin distribution to the east coast of Ch


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