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* The hydroelectric power using a fall of water to drive water turbines has been developed to generate electricity. Another important factor to be taken into consideration is that current strength is equal at certain points in a series circuit. * There are four ways for transmitting power from the electric motor to the spindle. 谓语动词+名词 are 是谓语动词,are 提示主语是后面的复数名词ways. To use any of these fuels needs our serious consideration. 不定式(短语)+谓语动词 主语是不定式短语,而不是fuels. Generating current at a lower frequency and then boosting it to a higher frequency are more efficient. 动名词(短语)+谓语动词 主语是两个并列的动名词 * Whether this unit will operate efficiently remains to be seen. What potential energy and kinetic energy means and how we explain these two terms have been mentioned in this article. (3)定语从句的主谓结构的判别 由于定语从句的主语可能是由that 或which 等连接词来充当,that 或which 到底指代什么,有时需要通过主谓结构的分析才能搞清。 主语从句+谓语动词 This process enhances the overall thermal efficiency of energy conversion to about 50 percent- as opposed to conventional processes, which have an efficiency of about 36 to 38 percent. This process enhances the overall thermal efficiency of energy conversion to about 50 percent- as opposed to conventional processes, which have an efficiency of about 36 to 38 percent. * 高压输电线路通常是由铜、铝或包铜的线组成,这些线通过一连串瓷制绝缘体,悬挂于高高的钢铁格子塔架上。 The line of high-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper, aluminum, or copper-clad, which are suspended(悬浮于) from tall latticework towers of steel by strings of porcelain insulators(瓷制绝缘体). The line of high-voltage transmission systems are usually composed of wires of copper, aluminum, or copper-clad, which are suspended(悬浮于) from tall latticework towers of steel by strings of porcelain insulators(瓷制绝缘体). * 4.4 Three Gorges Dam 长江三峡水利枢纽工程 The Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam that spans the Yangtze River at the town of Sandouping, located in the Yiling District of Yichang, in Hubei province, China. It is the world‘s largest electricity-generating


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