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安 徽 大 学硕士学位论文《沃斯》的后现代主义解读A Post-modernistic Reading of Voss姓名费晓璐学科专业研究方向指导教师完成时间英语语言文学澳大利亚文学陈正发2008 年 4 月A POST-MODERNISTIC READING OF VOSSByFei XiaoluUnder the supervision ofProf. Chen ZhengfaA thesisSubmitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the degree ofMaster of Arts to the School of Foreign StudiesAnhui UniversityApril 2008AcknowledgementsI am honored to have this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to thosewho have offered me help in the three years of my graduate study. First of all, I wouldlike to express my gratitude from my heart to my supervisor—Professor ChenZhengfa, who has given me illuminating instructions, invaluable advice and constantencouragement. Without his consistent help, it is very difficult for me to complete mypaper smoothly.I would also like to extend my gratitude to the other teachers from whom Ibenefit a lot: Professor Hong Zengliu, Professor Chen Bing, Professor Hua Quankunand Dr. Qi Tao.My deep gratitude also goes to my classmates Zhan Lili,Xia Xing and ShaoLianlian for their intelligent advice on my thesis.Finally, I‘m obliged to my beloved family for their great support andencouragement during these years.IAbstractPatrick White is a talented and resourceful Australian writer. He is the onlyAustralian writer who has won the Nobel Prize for literature for his great contributionto Australian literature. Throughout his writing career, he has produced 11 novels, 5plays, 3 short story collections, 3 volumes of poetry and an autobiography. Hesubscribes to the modernistic approach in writing and is constantly engaged inexperimenting. His novels are always stamped with modernistic features. He isconsistent in rejecting what he calls ―the dreary, dun-colored offspring of journalisticrealism‖. His innovative use of modernistic writing techniques confirms his status as awell-known modernist writer in the English-speaking world. However, to some degree,because of his rich imagination and unconventional writing techniques, his


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