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初期パートン衝突起源の現象と パートン非束縛系生成の予兆 志垣 賢太 広島大学/PHENIX Collaboration 2004 年 9 月 29 日 日本物理学会シンポジウム 「超高温 QCD 研究の最前線」 於 高知大学 - Presentation Outline - experimental program overview experimental highlights at RHIC/PHENIX initial phase oriented probes jets/high pt hadrons (production and subsequent suppression) open heavy flavors (production and subsequent energy loss) heavy quark states (production in color Debye screening) direct photon (prompt production; observed !) intermediate phase - quark dynamics (?) final phase – hadronic observables prospects at RHIC/PHENIX and LHC/ALICE summary and concluding remarks - Physics Goals of RHI Programs - QCD in extreme conditions and/or scales high energy and/or nuclear density frontier search for and characterize deconfined partonic phase Bevalac/SIS/AGS/SPS to RHIC/LHC high density regime to high energy density regime reproduction of universe a few msec after big bang asymptotic freedom - QCD in History of Universe - - Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider - 2 independent super-conducting rings 3.83 km circumference AGS complex as injector up to 100 A GeV Au and/or 250 GeV (polarized) p 6 intersections; 4 complimentary experiments BRAHMS/PHENIX/PHOBOS/STAR - Pioneering High Energy Nucl. Interaction Exp. - maximal set of probes and physics channels photons/electrons/muons/hadrons high quality measurement good particle identification high 4-momentum resolution wide kinematical coverage access to rare processes high rate capability selective multi-level triggering - PHENIX Physics Strategy - various signatures from essentially all time scales particular emphasis on probes from early stages initial phase oriented and passing through deconfined phase high pt particles (jet, hadron, g) open heavy flavors (charm, beauty) heavy quark states (J/Y , Y’, ?) prompt photons (g) thermal phase oriented light vector mesons (f, w, r) thermal radiations (g, e+e-, m+m-) quark dynamics (flow) plus boundary conditions of dynamics hadronic phase oriented - RHIC/


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