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九号学苑外贸英语5 dany 微信:Academy8, 微信公众号:九号学苑 以语文课目发展为例 商务英语email高手--如何报盘 1. confirm[k?nf??m] vt. 确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固 His support confirmed my determination to go abroad. 他的支持更坚定了我出国的决心。 2. soybean[s??bi?n]n. 大豆;黄豆 soy sauce 酱油 3. CF abbr. 成本加运费(Cost and Freight) freight[fre?t] n. 货运,货物;运费 to send goods by air freight 空运货物 4. metric [?metr?k]adj. 米制的,公制的,十进制的 5. polish[p?l??] v. 擦光;磨光;修改;润色 Im going to New York, so I must polish up my English. 我要去纽约,因此我必须提高英语水平。 polished rice 精大米 polished [?p?l??t] adj. 磨光的,擦亮的;完美的,精良的;优雅的 He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator. 他文雅、迷人、能言善辩,是一名优秀的谈判人。 6. receipt [r?si:t] n./v收据,发票;收入 同义词:invoice[?nv??s] n. 发票;发货单 v. 开发票;记清单 7. note[n??t] n/v 注意;笔记;注解;便条 10. favor [fe?v?] n. 好感;宠爱;关切;欢心 vt. 支持;赞成;照顾;促成 All in favor of this proposition will please sayAye. 请所有赞成这项提议的人讲一声“赞成”。 The new teacher lost favor in the eyes of the parents. 那位新老师不受家长的欢迎。 favorable [fe?v?r?bl] adj. 赞同的;称赞的;有利的;讨人喜欢的 The weather seemed favorable for the race. 这天气似乎很适合赛跑。 11. entertain[?ent?te?n] vt. 热情款待;使有兴趣;抱着,怀有;考虑 Childrens television not only entertains but also teaches. 儿童电视节目不仅有娱乐性而且还有教育意义。 entertainment n. 娱乐,消遣;招待,款待;娱乐节目 Dear Sir, This is to confirm your E-mail of 2 July, 2002, asking us to make your firm offers for rice and soybeans CF Singapore. We E-mail you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2400 per metric ton, CF Singapore, for shipment during August/September 2002. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 16 July 2002. Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is possibility of our supplying them. As you know, recently it has been a heavy demand for these commodities



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