americanswith 残疾人法案 t r n s 我 t 我 o n p l n( americanswith disabilities act t r a n s i t i o n p l a n).doc

americanswith 残疾人法案 t r n s 我 t 我 o n p l n( americanswith disabilities act t r a n s i t i o n p l a n).doc

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americanswith 残疾人法案 t r n s 我 t 我 o n p l n( americanswith disabilities act t r a n s i t i o n p l a n)

THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK STATE OF NEVADA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION BRIAN SANDOVAL RUDY MALFABON, P.E., Director Governor Dear Citizens of Nevada, At the Nevada Department of Transportation, our mission is providing a top transportation system to keep all of Nevada safe and connected. And we are committed to providing a safe, efficient and accessible transportation system to all, as defined through the federal Rehabilitation and Americans with Disabilities acts. All NDOT road improvements are made with accessibility in mind, and all new facilities are constructed to meet accessibility needs. But, roads and facilities built decades ago may not fully reach today’s accessibility standards. In our rural communities, limited infrastructure and transportation options also create need for important improvements. We have surveyed and mapped all state-owned sidewalks, ramps, pedestrian push buttons and other roadway features for ADA compliance. From that data, we pinpointed and prioritized the important accessibility improvement projects that you will find listed in this plan. As we make these enhancements, collaboration with the public and partner agencies is key. We invite and appreciate all public insight and feedback to help improve transportation accessibility. We have established an ADA grievance procedure. On-line through , or via e-mail, letter, phone call or other accessible format, the public can report accessibility concerns. We’ll conduct a responsive and thorough review to work toward enhanced accessibility. And we want that communication to be a two-way street. While the public shares valuable insight with us, we will provide detailed accessibility information through public notices, public meetings and outreach, on-line website resources and more. We take pride in continually collaborating with our public agency partners to improve and maintain safe and accessible facilities on Nevada


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