(精)人教新课标选修六 Unit 1 Art-Warming up and reading[课件].ppt

(精)人教新课标选修六 Unit 1 Art-Warming up and reading[课件].ppt

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Please describe your understanding of music in one word Interesting Sweet Beautiful Fine Pleasant Graceful Excellent Important New Words: 1. realistic 2. abstract 3. nature 4. detailed 5. traditional 6. line 7. rich 8. religious 9. unfinished 10.modern 11. colour 12. shape 1. adj. 现实主义的;逼真的 2. adj.抽象的;深奥的 3. n. 自然 4. adj.详细的,详尽的 5. adj.传统的 6. n. 线条 7. adj. 丰富的 8. adj.宗教的 9. adj. 未完成的 10. adj. 现代的 11. n.颜色 12. n. 形状 * music Welcome! Art art In your opinion,what field does art involve? dance music movie sculpture painting architecture literature opera art painting sculpture architecture photography …… music dance literature opera calligraphy painting movie How much do you know about Chinese painting? Chinese painting is often about nature Xu Beihong Zhang Daqian It is often about nature, such as mountain, water, bird-and-flower, etc. It has the symbol of harmony (和谐) and peace. Chinese paintings Chinese paint in Chinese ink. How much do you know about Western painting? 达·芬奇:《蒙娜·丽莎》被誉为世界美术杰作之冠,表现了艺术家对女性美和人的丰富精神生活的赞赏;壁画《最后的晚餐》则反映了艺术家创造典型人物和戏剧性场面的能力,为后人学习的典范。 Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) 毕加索 Picasso was the greatest art genius of the twentieth century. Giotto di Bondone 乔托·迪·邦多纳 犹大之吻 拉斐尔:是卓越的画家,被后世尊为“画圣”。他善于吸收各家之长,加以自己的创造,在艺术的秀美、典雅方面大放异彩,留下了许多第一流的杰作如《花园中的圣母》、《西斯廷圣母》,以及梵蒂冈教皇宫中的许多壁画,尤其是《雅典学派》 Western art has more change Western paintings rich in color, line and shape About religion, human detailed realistic Open your books and turn to page 1. Look at Warming up 234. Discuss with your deskmates. You have 3 minutes to discuss. 3 minutes later, I will ask 3 students to give your own answers to the three questions. Remember:Only English, no Chinese. When you are discussing, I will walk around the classroom. When I walk past you, you can ask me for help. If I am helping other students, you have to disc


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