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No parking It was believed that Medusa used to a beautiful girl, who was deeply loved by Poseidon. She was too proud and she even tried to compete her beauty with the goddess in the Pathenon. Athena was exasperated. She cast a spell on Medusa, turned her fair hair into vipers. The horrible thing is, Medusa’s eyes have shocking lights. Anyone who see her in the eyes will turn to stone status. Text(melody)考点 1.Jasper White is one of those rare people who believes in ancient myths. 贾斯珀?怀特是为数不多的信奉古代神话的人之一。 语言点1 “one of +复数名词”的用法 1)当“one of +复数名词”在句子中充当主语时,实际主语是one,紧跟其后的谓语动词一定用单数形式。 One of my students is a lawyer.我的一个学生是律师。 2)当“one of +复数名词”后加定语从句时,因为定语从句的关系代词所修饰的先行词不是one,而是of后面的复数名词,所以从句的谓语动词一定用复数形式。 Our organization is just one of many charities that are providing famine relief in the region.我们的组织仅仅是为这个饥荒地区提供救济的慈善组织之一。 3)要注意,当one前有the,thevery,the only等修饰限制时,从句中的谓语动词一定要用单数。 She is the only one of the students who has already learnt Spanish.她是这些学生中唯一一个曾学过西班牙语的人。 语言点2 believe in sth. / sb.信奉、相信某物/某人: believe in Christ信奉基督教 believe in God 信仰上帝 believe in ghosts 相信鬼神 believe in Buddhism 信奉佛教 2.He has just bought a new house in the city, but ever since he moved in, he has had trouble with cars and their owners. 他刚在城里买了一所新房子,但自从他搬进去后,就和汽车及车主们发生了摩擦。 语言点1 just常用于现在完成时态中,请参考Lesson5。 语言点2 in the city = in the downtown在市中心,在城里 相关表达:in the suburb在郊区;in the border land在边疆 I live in the suburb of Beijing and work in the city.我住在北京郎区,而在城里工作, 语言点3 have troublewith sth. / sb.和某物/某人有摩擦 Mr. Green always has trouble with his neighbours.格林先生总是和他的邻居们闹纠纷。 语言点4 move in迁入;move out迁出;move over挪动一下,腾出空位 3.when he returns home at night, he always finds that someone has parked a car outside hisgate. 当他夜里回到家时,总会发现有人把车停在了他家的大门外。 语言点 “动词+ home”中间一般不需加介词:return home返回家中;go home回家;leave home离开家,但stay at home (待在家中)为一个例外。 比较学习:home, house, fa


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