高中英语Uni2 Working the land Using language1.ppt

高中英语Uni2 Working the land Using language1.ppt

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? Please dont confuse Australia with Austria. 别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。? Much to my regret, I cant accept your invitation. 很抱歉,我不能接受你的邀请。 We must increase production levels. 我们必须提高生产水平。 Many diseases are caused by bacteria. 许多疾病是由细菌引起的。 That child is an absolute pest! 那孩子讨厌极了! Growth is a function of nutrition. 长身体是由营养决定的 ● Coal is a mineral. 煤是一种矿物。 ● New scientific discoveries are being made every day. 每天都有新的科学发现。 ● This kind of soil contains much alkali. 这种土壤含碱丰富。 ● He is trying to reduce the familys expenses. 他正尽力减少家庭开支。? ● Unhappiness is the root cause of his illness. 不开心是他生病的根源。 ? ● It took me an hour to skim the book. 我花了一小时把这本书浏览了一遍。 ● Please underline the important items. 请在重要事项的下面划线。 ● Please write me a summary of this report. 请替我写一份这份报告的摘要。 ● He made several favorable comments about their candidate. 他对他们的候选人发表了一些有利的评论。 Exercises cause/do damage to, wash off, lead to, bulid up, in addition(to), keep…free from/of, focus on, avoid doing 1. His mistakes _____ his failure. 2. These chemicals in the food supply______ in people’s bodies over time. 3. 4. Please _____ your mind___ the following problem. 5. Children should ______________ violence. led to build up focus on All roads _______ Rome. lead to be kept free from cause/do damage to, wash off, lead to, bulid up, in addition(to), keep…free from/of, focus on, avoid doing 6. He likes basketball.___________,he likes football. He likes basketball _____________football. 7. Little Tom stuck to ________ the mud ____ his shoes by himself before he came in. 8. I tried to ______________(meet) him because he always bores me. 9. The storm on May 3 ___________ great __________ people in Burma so far. In addition in addition to washing off avoid meeting has caused damage to Listening chemical fertilizer cow dung 用化学肥料和有机肥料的区别: The possible bad effects of chemical fertilizers on the fruit and vegetables that we eat today. As you listen to this dialogue, keep in m


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