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Pass me the Waiter(服务员): Can I help you? Waiter: Your _________ please. Customer(顾客): I’d like some Waiter(服务员): Can I help you? Waiter: Your _____and_____. Customer(顾客): I’d like some Waiter(服务员): Can I help you? Waiter: Your _______ please. Customer(顾客): I’d like some use a ? have some soup spoon bowl use a ? have some rice. use ? have some noodles. chopsticks knife fork use a and ? have some beef. 西餐桌上的“刀叉”文化 英美国家人们用餐时一般左手拿叉,右手拿刀; 需要添食物时请将刀叉放在空餐盘两侧,成八字形; 用餐结束则将餐叉平行放置,训练有素的服务员就会将它收走; 记住不要将刀叉拿在手中乱舞或将刀刃对着别人! make a salad(制作沙拉) 1.Pass me the _____. 2.Pass me the _____. 3.____ the vegetables. bowl knife Cut 4.Use the ______. 5.Use the _____. 6.Now lets try it. 让我们来品尝一下吧! spoon fork Let’s chant Look and number ( ) use the fork ( ) pass me the knife ( ) cut the vegetables ( ) use the spoon ( ) pass me the bowl ( ) now let’s try it ! 1 2 3 4 5 6 Let’s sing Chopsticks, chopsticks, knife and fork. I can, I can use them now. Pass me the spoon. Pass me the bowl. let’s make a salad with them. Yummy! A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Learn how to set the table and use the tableware correctly(学会正确布置餐桌和使用餐具). Make a salad for your mum and dad! (给爸爸妈妈做一份爱心沙拉吧!) Homework Part B rice soup beef fish bread vegetables noodles Which is missing? (哪个不见了?) chicken rice chicken soup vegetables What would you like ? I‘d like some ______. noodles beef juice eggs bowl I’d like some rice. Pass me the bowl. /??/ window yellow 大图大声,小图小声 I’d like some noodles. I can use _______. Pass me the chopsticks.(递给我筷子) /?/ /i/ chop sticks dog mom big pig chopsticks red chopsticks black chopsticks white chopsticks yellow chopsticks I like the ______. Pass me the _____. I want to eat some beef. But it’s too big. How can I eat it ?Can you help me? . knife fork Pass me the knife Cut with the knife Use the fork knife rice five kite knife ↗ knife ↘


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