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* Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 23. Painting at Block Joint Area 在分段缝区域进行涂装 1. Waste time to remove contamination (paint film, dusts etc.) before start painting works 在喷涂开始前,浪费时间来消除污染(涂层、灰尘、等) 2. Unsatisfactory welding result (poor welding quality due to residue of foreign material) 焊接的结果不令人满意(由于外界杂物介入,使焊接质量很差) Solution 解决措施 Protect “Block-joint areas” before painting primer coating (approx. 30 mm) and keep such width protected, Remove the tapes just before welding works for P.E are executed 在上底漆之前对分段缝区域进行保护(大概30MM),并一直维持这种保护,直到总组的焊接工作开始时才拆掉保护胶带、等。 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 24. Block Painted without PE 没有总组的涂装分段 Excessive demand of man-power for repair of damaged coatings due to installation of the outfitting items 由于要对后续进行的舾装工作引起的涂层破坏进行修理,而需要超量的人力和工时。 2. Poor welding / painting quality 焊接/涂装的质量差 Solution 解决措施 Outfitting works at Block stage (nearly 100%) (Need Consultation) 在分段阶段舾装工作差不多100%结束(需要咨询/顾问) Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 26. Burn damage at side-shell FPSO外板上的烧损 对于吊鼻切除的部位,对于分段的合拢缝部位,因为没有任何保护而产生了严重的锈蚀,这样,接下来的油漆修复工作消耗大量的工时。 Solution 解决措施 Carry out “touch-up” with primer coatings immediately after grind-off welding lines, lug stain etc. 在焊缝打磨后、吊鼻切除部位打磨后立即涂上车间底漆 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 27. Dock Stage : Corrosion at Hold Inside 大坞阶段:舱内腐蚀 1. Heavy Ruston Cargo Hold bulkhead that cause waste of paint material and manpower due to repeated surface preparation and coating application 货舱的壁子锈蚀严重,从而,引起了油漆材料的浪费和人力的浪费,因为要重复进行表面准备和涂装施工 2. Cause delay of the projects 造成了项目的延期 Solution 解决措施 Minimize block exposure at open space 减少分段在开敞空间的暴露时间 (降低分段涂层间的间隔(分段阶段)和完整涂层间的间隔(合拢)) Need Experts’ consultation 需要专家的咨询/顾问 Chinese Shipyard 中国船厂 Korean Shipyard 韩国船厂 28. Dock Stage : Scaffolding at Cargo Hold Inside 大坞阶段:在货舱内的脚手架 Loss of MH due to Scaffolding and its removal 打设和拆除脚手架损失了工时 2. Increased demand for the Cranes’ service 对吊车的配合作业需


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