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摘 要 学习效能感作为学生学习能力的一种衡量标准,越来越受到国内外学者的关注。学习效能受到学习策略、学习动机等诸多因素的影响。目前,社会各界对人才的英语口语能力提出了更高的要求,因此如何提高英语口语的学习效能也就成了当务之急。本文将结合调查问卷对浙江科技学院非英语专业学生展开调查,分析其在网络自主学习状态下英语口语的学习效能状况以及产生这种状况的原因,最后为网络自主学习者提高英语口语学习效能提出一些建议。 关键词:网络;自主学习;英语口语;学习效能 ABSTRACT Perceived academic efficacy, as a standard to measure students’ learning ability, has drawn more and more attentions by scholars both at home and abroad. It is acknowledged that perceived academic efficacy is affected by many factors such as learning strategies, learning motivations, etc. At present, higher requirement is put forward to oral English learners by the society. Therefore, the issue that how to improve the perceived academic efficacy of oral English becomes a top priority. Meanwhile, web-based autonomous learning is popular with the public especially among undergraduates. The paper will survey the undergraduates who are in non-English majors of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology with questionnaires to have a general idea about the level of their perceived academic efficacy of oral English in web-based autonomous learning and then to analyze the reason why they are in that level. At last, the paper tries to give some advice for those autonomous learners who are attempting to improve their perceived academic efficacy of oral English on the Internet. Key words:Internet; autonomous learning; oral English; perceived academic efficacy Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. A literature review of perceived academic efficacy 3 2.1 Researches on perceived academic efficacy at home 3 2.1.1 Definition of perceived academic efficacy 3 2.1.2 Mesurement of perceived academic efficacy 3 2.2 Researches on perceived academic efficacy abroad 4 2.2.1 Definition of perceived academic efficacy 4 2.2.2 Mesurement of perceived academic efficacy 4 3. Researches on oral English learning 5 3.1 Learning strategies of oral English 5 3.1.1 Learning strategies of oral English at home 5 3.1.2 Learning stra


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