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陶行知“生活教育理论”对新课改的启示 摘 要 1917 年,陶行知从美国留学回国时,国内正在盛行传统的赫尔巴特教育思想和旧的封建复古教育思想。针对国内照搬照套的盲目追求西化的情况,陶行知提出了“生活教育理论”。陶行知“生活教育理论”由三大基石组成:“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”、“教学做合一”。“生活即教育”这一原则是教育不能脱离生活,生活也离不开教育;“社会即学校”这一原则,是要把教育从鸟笼里解放出来;“教学做合一”的主张事实上就是一种寻求解决实际问题的学问,它是根据生活的需要来解教、来学,通过生活实际去教学,以达到做的目的。“生活即教育”的“活的知识”、“社会即学校”的生活力和创造力及“教学做合一”的教学方式和学习方式等与课程改革的许多理念都存在着广泛的一致性和互补性。生活教育理论为课改提供了丰富的思想资源和强有力的理论支撑,其思想对于课程改革具有极大的借鉴意义。 关键词:陶行知;生活教育理论;课程改革 Abstract In 1917, Tao Xingzhi returned from the United States, the domestic Herbart is heprevalence of the traditional educational thinking and the old feudal thinking of ancient education.According to domestic copy sets of the blind pursuit of Westernization,the Xingzhi put forward the “theory of life education.”Xingzhi “theory of life education” the cornerstone of the three major components: “Life is education” and “school community”, “unity of teaching to do.” “Life is education,” the principle that education can not be divorced from life, life can not be separated from education; “community school”was the principle of education is to liberate from the cage; “unity of teaching to do,” the idea of the facts is a search for solutions to the practical problems of learning, which is the solution needs to teach, to learn through real life to teaching, in order to achieve purpose. “Life Education” and “living knowledge”, “community school”f life and creativity and “teaching to do one”teaching methods and learning methods and curriculum reform are many ideas there are a wide range of consistency and complementarity.Life Education Curriculum Theory provides a rich resource of ideas and a strong theoretical support,the thinking of curriculum reform for reference of great significance. Key words: Tao Xingzhi, life education theory,curriculum reform 目 录 引言…………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 一、陶行知“生活教育理论”思想概述……………………………………………………述………………………………………………………………… 1 (一)陶行知“生活教育理论”产生的背景……………………………………………景…………………………………………………


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