fun experiments- girl guidesof canada(有趣的实验——女孩guidesof加拿大).doc

fun experiments- girl guidesof canada(有趣的实验——女孩guidesof加拿大).doc

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fun experiments- girl guidesof canada(有趣的实验——女孩guidesof加拿大)

Purpose: The purpose of this challenge is for Sparks and Brownies to learn more about science, technology, engineering and math. Complete at least 5 of the following stations. Station 1 – Mixing solids and liquids Mix different white solids with different liquids and see what happens Liquids: water, vinegar, coca-cola Solids: sugar, salt, baking soda, baking powder, icing sugar Supplies: Vinegar Coca-Cola Sugar Salt Baking Soda Baking Powder Icing Sugar Clear glasses Station 2 – Flying Planes Make paper airplanes and see who can get theirs the farthest and race from one end of the gym to the other throwing the plane, each time it lands, they go to that spot, pick it up and throw again Supplies: Paper Station 3 – What Floats? Using various objects, have the girls guess which ones will float and which will sink Orange, paper clip, penny, egg Lemon vs. lime Put a lemon and a lime in water, the lemon floats and the lime sinks This is because the density of a lemon is 1.02 g/mL and the density of a lime is 1.12 g/mL and the density of water is about 1 g/mL From: /experiment/floating-lemons-and-sinking-limes Lemon, lime, bucket, water Helicopters Using the pattern provided cut along the top line and then side lines to make a helicopter. A paper clip goes on the bottom and standing on the stage, let go of the helicopters and watch them float to the bottom. Supplies: Paper clips Paper Scissors Station 4 – Penny Boats Floating penny boats Using tinfoil, make a boat Try floating pennies on the boats, see whose boat floats the most Supplies: Tinfoil Pennies Station 5 – Magic Mud Using 3 tablespoons of cornstarch to 1 tablespoon of water, make magic mud. Have the girls look at this when in the bowl and then pick it up and see what happens! Supplies: Corn starch Bucket/bowl Water Station 6 – Water Fun! Speedboat matches Fill a bowl with water and put a few matchsticks on the water. Have the girls guess what will happen when the d


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