infant feeding- california departmentof public health(婴儿喂养——加州departmentof公共卫生).doc

infant feeding- california departmentof public health(婴儿喂养——加州departmentof公共卫生).doc

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Highlights of Recent Research and Recommendations on Infant Feeding The Start Healthy Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers (2004) Developed in partnership between the American Dietetic Association and the Gerber Products Company Evidence-based approach used to provide practical dietary and feeding guidance “The Start Healthy feeding Guidelines focus on parents’ and caregivers’ major questions concerning complementary feeding: When is my baby ready for complementary foods? What foods should I feed my baby? How do I feed these foods?” FITS: Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study (2004, 2006) Overall goal: “to update our knowledge of the food and nutrient intakes of American infants and toddlers using the strongest science-based methodology.” Provides information about what infants and toddlers are actually eating American Academy of Pediatrics. Pediatric Nutrition Handbook. 5th ed. (2004) Defines complementary feeding Reviews the evidence related to complementary feeding, with respect to timing of introduction, nutrient needs, and infant development Summary of the Start Healthy Feeding Guidelines for Infants and Toddlers Research Questions Conclusions 1. When to feed When is an infant’s GI tract capable of handling complementary foods*? By 3-4 months of age in normal, healthy infants When is renal function sufficiently mature to allow introduction of complementary foods? Most babies have no problems maintaining water balance even if feedings provide a relatively high renal solute load ( 33 mOsm/L) During acute illness, diets with a higher solute load may lead more rapidly to dehydration. When do oral, gross, and fine motor skills required for complementary feeding emerge? Considerable variation among infants In most babies, between 4 and 6 months When are nutrients needed from complementary foods? For most infants, breastmilk and/or iron-fortified formula provide all required nutrients for about the first 6 months after birth, and significant but v



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