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连贯句子的训练答案 一、选择表达并列或递进关系词语填空 She was the most intelligent applicant, and happened _______to have keyboarding skills. 她是最有才智的申请者,碰巧还会键盘技术呢。 Fortunate to find a career that I love and, ____________, I get well paid for it. 我很幸运找到一份我喜欢的职业,而且薪水不错。 3. Mary is looking after her sister’s children ________________ her own. 玛丽在照看她妹妹的孩子,也照看他自己的孩子。 4. The plan is not well-designed, ____________, it would have been too expensive. 这个计划设计的不好,再说花费也太大。 5. I’m getting extra travel insurance and I suggest you do ____________. 我正办理特别旅游保险,我建议你也办一个。 6. Choose a place which you may feel like visiting. _____________, you don’t have to take any food with you, since lunch will be served at the place you will be visiting. 选择一个你喜欢的地方参观,还有就是你不必带吃的,因为你去的地方都有午餐供应。 7. Whenever I do reading without understanding it thoroughly, I will remind myself to look up a dictionary quickly. That applies to Chinese ___________ English learning. 每当我读书不求甚解时,我会提醒自己迅速查阅词典。词典适用与中文也适用于英文。 8. The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. ____________, fuel prices have fallen quite considerable. 食物和衣服价格近几年降下来了,同样的,燃料价格也有相当下降。 9. People choose jobs for other reasons ________ money. 人们选择工作除了钱以外还有其他原因。 10. _____________ that animals can adapt to negative conditions, man ______ tends to make some form of adjustment to dangerous conditions. 动物可以适应负面的条件,同样,人类在危机情况下也得做出调整生存的方式。 11. _________ information on attendance , parents will also be informed of their children’s performance, homework comments and examination result. 除了出勤情况,家长还会了解孩子的表现,家庭作业评语及考试成绩。 12. He was _______ a scientist ______ a good football player. 他不仅是一个科学家而且是一个很不错的足球运动员。 二、表达转折关系的词语 1.The London Marathon is a difficult race. ____________, thousands of runners participate every year. 伦敦马拉松是一种艰难的长跑竞赛,然而每年有成千上万的选手参加。 2. My remark was intended to comfort her but ________ it upset her even more. 我的话就是想安慰她,结果反而更让她不安了。 3. It wasn’t a good thing; _________________ it was a huge mistake. 这不是什么好事,相反是大错。 4.The drawer cannot


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