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---How long have you studied in this school? I have studied in this school for 2 years. I have studied in this school since 2 years ago. I have studied in this school since 2012. I have studied in this school since I was 14. 2. 你哥哥参军多长时间了? How long has your brother joined the army? ( ) How long has your brother been in the army/been a soldier? ( ) 1. 转换为相应的延续性动词,用于现在完成时。 borrow — keep buy — have put on — wear catch a cold — have a cold get to know — know get to sleep — sleep 2. 转化为“be + 形容词/副词/介词/名词” begin / start — be on go out — be out close — be closed open — be open get to/arrive/reach — be (in) die — be dead leave — be away finish — be over fall sleep — be asleep join — be in/be a member of become — be make friends — be friends come/go/ — be + 相应的介词短语 1. She _______ this book for nearly three weeks. A. has borrowed B. has lent C. has bought D. has kept 2. Ten years has passed ____ the CCTV event People Who Moved China took place in 2002. A. when B. while C. before D. since * Unit10 Review I’ve had this bike for three years. 典型示例 (1)How long多久;多长(时间)。对时间段提问:for+时间段;since+过去的时间点。 How long have you worked in Beijing? —For five years. (2)How soon多久以后。对“in+时间段”提问,常用于一般将来时,其答语常用“in+时间段”。 —How soon will Mr. Lee be back? In a week. (3)How often多久一次。对频率提问,其答语 为once/twice/...+时间段, always, usually等。 How often do you exercise? Once a day. (4)How far多远。对距离提问,其答语是表距离的内容。 How far is it from here to your school? Three kilometers. 抽取规律 1. —___ have you stayed in New York? —For about two weeks. A. How soon B. How often C. How long D. How far 2. I have had the bike ___ I was 15 years old. A. for B. since C. in D. on C B 对应训练 选择for或since填空: I have been here _____five months ago. 2. He has been a soldier ____ about two months. since for 典型示例 since和 for的用法: ①since+ 过去的时间点


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