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China The Europe The U.S. Japan The transatlantic shopping expedition Language Points Language Points toil v. to work hard and untiringly 辛苦地劳动 toil for ones living I shall have to toil and moil(辛辛苦苦地工作) all my days. to move with difficulty or pain 艰难地行动 The slaves toiled up the hill pulling the heavy blocks. n. 辛苦,苦工 He succeeded after years of toil. The farmer s toil was rewarded with good crops. Language Points multiply: v. increase in number or quantity 增加 Fear multiplies the difficulties of life. add a number to itself a particular number of times 乘 We could multiply the height by the width to determine the area. Key Words and Phrases 一直,越来越 大量 使困惑,使糊涂 ever- quantities of bewilder 辛苦地劳作;艰难地行走 增加,乘 toil multiply 吞噬,侵蚀 大会,惯例, eat into convention 负担,重负 burden Main Idea Please chose a number and complete the corresponding task. 1 1 1 3 3 3 5 5 5 Retelling Once upon a time, technology were expected to make our life_________. (Para 1) . 1 point: please retell the main idea of Para 1 with the following clue. easier Retelling . Retelling . . 1 point: Students in red/blue/yellow/black, please introduce the student on your left in English. Retelling . . 3 point: Tounge Twister Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Retelling technology; liberate; enslave Instead of liberating us, technology has enslaved us. (Para 2) . 3 points: please retell the main idea of Para 2 with the following key words. Retelling technology; save time; do more things Technology has not saved time, but enabled us to do more things. (Para 5) . 3 points: please retell the main idea of Para 5 with the following key words. Retelling 5 points: please retell the main idea of Para 3 with the help of the following picture. Motorcar promised to enhance personal mobility but it actually kept us moving slowly and stuck in traffic jams.(Para 3) Retelling 5 points: please retell the main idea of Para 4 with the he


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