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考虑多目标优化模型的含分布式电源的无功优化 蔡尧星1,粟时平1,刘桂英1,唐福顺2,罗国才2,唐谟懿2 ( 1.长沙理工大学 电气与信息工程学院,长沙 410004;2.国网邵阳供电公司,湖南 邵阳,422000) 摘要:在配电网的调压过程中,将能够发出无功功率的分布式电源与电容器相结合,分析含分布式电源的配电网无功优化的问题,并建立有功网损最小、静态电压稳定裕度最大的数学模型。在此基础上,应用超效率数据包分析评价方法,明确各目标函数的权重组合方案,把双目标无功优化问题转换成单目标规划问题。并且运用一种新颖的智能优化算法—细菌菌落算法,解决分布式电源在配电网中的无功优化问题。细菌菌落算法根据单群体菌落生长演化过程来寻找最优解,本文建立了细菌菌落的生成和死亡的寻优机制,并提供了一种新的算法结束方式。通过IEEE-33测试系统验证该算法具有良好实用性和适应性,并且也验证了所提模型的实际意义。 关键词:细菌菌落优化算法;无功优化;分布式电源;网络损耗;电压稳定裕度 中图分类号: TM715 文献标识码: A文章编号:1001-1390(2015)00-0000-00 Reactive power optimization consider multiple objectives optimization model with distributed generators Cai Yaoxing1, Su Shiping1, Liu Guiying1, Tang Fushun2, Luo Guocai2, Tang Moyi2 (1.College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changsha 410004China. 2.State Grid of Shaoyang, Shaoyang, 422000,Hunan,China) Abstract: In the process of adjusting the voltage, the combination of distributed generators which issues reactive power and capacitors can be used for the analysis on the reactive power optimization problem with distribution network, and the mathematical models with minimum active power loss and the greatest static voltage stability margin is established. On this basis, the ultra-efficient packet is applied to analyze and evaluation methods, explicit the weight combining programs of the objective function and transform the dual objective reactive power optimization problem into a single objective planning issues. And a novel intelligent optimization algorithm named bacterial colony algorithm serves as a solution of reactive power optimization problem of the distributed power in the distribution network. Based on the fact that bacterial colony algorithm finds the optimal solution through the growth and evolution of a single group of colonies, this paper establishes a mechanism for the generation and optimization of death bacterial colonies and provides a new way of algorithm ends. Its good pra


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