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How to Be a Great Financial Analyst 怎样成为一名卓越的财务分析师 It takes seven key skills and a new way of thinking. 七个关键技能和一种新的思考方式 B Y S T E V E S P I E C H , C M A , C F M Every company has employees who analyze its financial data and enhance its decision support process by providing their insights and analyses to management. In some companies the CFO, controller, or accounting staff performs this function in addition to their regular responsibilities. In other companies the process is more formal, with financial analysts, cost accountants, and even whole departments dedicated to this function. No matter which way it’s done, effective financial analysis is really more a way of thinking than a series of steps or processes. 每一家公司都有分析其财务数据的雇员,并且通过提供他们对管理的洞察和分析来增强其决策支持流程。在某些公司CFO、主计长或者其他会计部门职员在他们的常规职责之外承担了这项职能。在其他公司这一流程更为正式,会有财务分析师、成本会计师甚至是整个部门专门致力于这项职能。无论以何种方式去做,有效的财务分析更多的是一种思考方式而不是一连串的步骤或程序。 Financial professionals who are effective at financial analysis can add value to their companies and excel in their careers. Good analysts identify cost-savings ideas, revenue growth opportunities, and strategies for productivity improvements. Even people who work with financial data but don’t do regular analysis (general ledger, accounts payable, financial systems staff) can benefit by building an analytic approach into the way they perform their jobs. 专长于财务分析的财务专业人士能够增加他们所服务的公司的价值以及在他们的职业生涯中傲视群伦。优秀的分析师识别出成本节约的主意、收入增长的机会和生产力提高的战略。即使那些与财务数据打交道但并不做常规分析的人(总账、应付帐款、财务系统员工)也能够通过在他们完成工作的方式中构建一种分析性的方法而从中受益。 People who are great financial analysts exhibit several key qualities—qualities we strive to develop in WellPoint, Inc.’s Central Region. Billions of dollars in health insurance premiums and medical expenses are realized every year in the Central Region, and it’s my department’s job to forecast and analyze this financial data and other statistics. We work with the leadership of the Central Region to help them meet their strategic objectives. 卓越的财务分析师身上体现了几个关键的品质—我们努力在WellPoint, Inc.的中区所发展


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