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我国对美国纺织品服装出口 存在的问题及对策 摘要 入世后,面对配额取消所带来的机遇和欧美国家新的贸易壁垒压力所带来的挑战,我国对美国纺织品服装的出口依然保持着良好的增长势头。本文首先从我国对美纺织品服装出口贸易额、出口数量、出口份额及出口结构四个方面阐述了我国对美国纺织品服装出口的发展现状。其次指出了我国对美国纺织品服装出口存在的问题:美国的技术壁垒增大了我国纺织品服装进入美国的难度;我国产品结构单一,技术含量低;生产成本高于印度和特别保障制度制约了我国纺织品服装对美出口。最后提出了应对策略:加强政府的政策领导;加大技术投入,加快产品更新;强化科技创新;加快产品重组;建立特别保障摩擦预警制度等。 [关键词] 纺织品服装 出口 自主品牌 技术壁垒 ABSTRACT Upon the entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO), China faces a huge challenge of elimination of quotas as well as the opportunities brought by other trade barriers imposed by the European countries. Nevertheless, under such pressure, Chinas textile exports still maintain a pleasant growth rate in the market of the United States.In this paper, the writer first introduces volume, amount, share and changes in the structure of China’s textile exports to the United States to illustrate the development situation in Chinas textile exports to the United States. Secondly, the writer points out some problems existing in Chinese textile goods export to the United States, such as simple product structure, low technical content and production cost higher than India. Besides, technology barriers imposed by the United States makes it difficult for Chinese textile goods to export to the United States. Special ensure framework restrict China’s textile products export to the United States. At the end of the essay, the writer puts forward some countermeasures: reenforce the government policy guidance; enlarge technology input;accelerate product renewal;strengthen a new idea in science and technology; speed up product restructing; build up early warning system of special safeguard against friction,etc. [Key Words] textile and clothing export independent brand technical barrier 目录 一、我国对美国纺织品服装出口的现状 (1) (一)我国对美国出口纺织品服装贸易额迅速增长 (1) (二)我国对美国出口纺织品服装贸易量趋势猛增 (2) (三)我国对美国出口纺织品服装份额不断上升 (2) (四)我国对美国纺织品服装出口结构不平衡 (3) 二、我国对美国纺织品服装出口中存在的问题 (5) (一)技术壁垒增大了我国纺织品服装进入美国市场的难度 (5) (二)产品结构单一,技术含量低 (6) 1﹑产


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