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16.2 Reaction of the Citric Acid cycle(三羧酸循环) We are now ready to trace(追踪) the process by which acetyl-CoA (乙酰辅酶A)undergoes(经历) oxidation(氧化). This chemical transformation is carried out by the Citric Acid cycle(三羧酸循环), the first cyclic pathway we have encountered(遇到) (Fig. 16-7). To begin a turn of the cycle, acetyl-CoA (乙酰辅酶A)donates its acetyl group(乙酰基) to the four-carbon compound oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) to form the six-carbon citrate(柠檬酸盐). citrate(柠檬酸盐) is then transformed into isocitrate(异柠檬酸盐), also a six-carbon molecule, which is dehydrogenated(被脱氢) with loss CO2 to yield(得到) the five-carbon compound α-ketoglutarate(α-酮戊二酸) (α-酮戊二酸)(also called oxoglutarate(氧化戊二酸)).α-ketoglutarate(α-酮戊二酸) (α-酮戊二酸)undergoes(经历) loss of a second molecule of CO2 and ultimately(最后) yield(得到)the four-carbon compound succinate(琥珀酸盐). succinate(琥珀酸盐) is then enzymatically converted(酶转化) in three steps into the four-carbon oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) which is then ready to react with another molecule of acetyl-CoA(乙酰辅酶A).In each turn of the cycle,one acetyl group(乙酰基) (two carbons) enters as acetyl-CoA (乙酰辅酶A)and two molecules of CO2 leave;one molecule of oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) is used to form citrate(柠檬酸盐) and one molecule of oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) is regenerated.No net removal(净去除) of oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) occurs;one molecule of oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) can theoretically(理论上) bring about oxidation(氧化) of an infinite number(无穷) of acetyl groups(乙酰基), and,in fact, oxaloacetate(草酰乙酸盐或酯) is present in cells in very low concentrations.Four of the eight steps in this process are oxidations(氧化), in which the energy of oxidation(氧化) is very efficiently conserved(有效地保存) in the form of the reduced coenzymes(辅酶) NADH(还原型辅酶) and FADH2.As noted earlier, although the Citric Acid cycle(三羧酸循环) is central to energy-yielding metabolism(新陈代谢) its role is not limited to energy conservation Four-and five-carbon intermediates(中间物) of the cycle serve as precursors(前体细胞) for a wide variety of products.To replace i


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