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腮腺高能射线照射后机能改变与胞膜损伤 刘英杰1 胡国清2郑有合1郑艳1景琴1唐 曦2潘鲁2刘苇2倪丽慧2 目的:初步探讨面颈部肿瘤放疗后口腔干燥机理,为唾液腺放射性损伤的治疗提供理论指导。方法:大梅杂交猪14头(华中农业大学实验猪厂),8头双侧腮腺造瘘后单侧腮腺照射作为实验组,采用15MV直线加速器半侧唾液腺照射, 5Gy/次,3/W,总量40Gy/8F/16d;未照射腮腺为自身对照组;4头双侧腮腺单纯造瘘为阴性对照组;2头不做任何处理为病理对照组。放疗开始后,收集3头造瘘动物唾液分别达31d,观察初次照射后1h、24 h脱落细胞酸溶血变化。检测双侧唾液分泌量、淀粉酶、总蛋白各13次,采用q 检验比较照射组、自身对照组、阴性对照组三指标变化情况。结果:3组唾液标本总体日平均量为27.15±10.34ml。照射组、自身对照组、阴性对照组淀粉酶含量平均值分别为13750.12±4803.15U/dl、15725.08±3639.83U/ml、14398.87±3201.75U/dl,q检验差异有极显著意义。唾液总蛋白均值分别为9.84±0.78g/L、9.10±0.40 g/L、8.99±0.43 g/L,三组值差异没有统计学意义。脱落细胞酸溶血试验可见初次照射后1h内,照射组大量细胞碎裂,其它组正常;24 h后新采集唾液照射组、自身对照组细胞大量破裂。结论:照射腮腺和自身对照腮腺均导致细胞脆性增加,提示高能射线对照射区及未照射区腮腺均有生物学效应。 The investment of the effects of high energy Xray on the slivary function and the pilot study of its mechenism. LIU Yingjie, HU Guoqing, ZHENG youhe, et al. The center of tumour of The Huazhong Science and Technology University, 430030,China. Abstract: Objective To invest the effects of high energy Xray on the slivary function and its mechanism, aims to provide guidance for the treatment of xerostomia caused by salivary irradiation injury. Method Fistulization of salivary ducts was operated on both sides of the 8 among 14 Damei Hybridization swine, which ages ranges from 4 to 5 months, 4 of the swine were administered radiation on half side salivary glands by 15 MV-X ray, 5Gy per time, 3 times a week, 8 times add up to 40Gy, as radiated group. The contralateral parotids were taken as self-control group; The other 4 swine were merely fistulated, as negative group; 2 swine were taken no disposal, as pathological control group. Record the sialon amount each day continuously, The least significant difference (LSD) of SPSS 11.0 was used to show the difference of sialon amount. 2 months later, pathological examination was performed to the parotid glands of each swine. Result: The irradiated swine showed lower diet, drinking frequently while eating; 13?dl days from the beginning of irradiation, the irradiated parotid exhibits decreasin



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