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$ 4 $ 2 $ 10 $ 7 $ 6 $ 12 sale Task IV: My Favorite Clothes My Favorite(最喜欢的) Clothes Clothes Color Price In All(合计) Choose your favorite clothes in Mr. Cool’s Store, make a shopping list. You can add other clothes you like in other stores, but they can’t be too dear. 在Mr. Cool的服装店选购一套自己最喜欢的衣物, 填写购物清单。你也可以去其他商店买你喜欢的 其他衣物,但是不能太贵。 Look! I’m so cool! Ask your friend about his/her choices and then report: 询问你朋友的选择并汇报 可供参考的语言项目: 1. -- What do you have? -- I have… 2. -- What color is it/ are they? -- It’s/ They’re…. 3. -- How much is it/ are they? -- It’s/ They’re…. _______’s Favorite Clothes Clothes Color Price In All(合计) Tell who will be the coolest.(谁最酷炫) I think my friend Li Lei is the coolest. He has a white shirt, it’s $ 3. He …. Report 1、复习本课的词汇和句型。 2、写一则关于家人衣物的短文。 3、调查一些打折的服装店的价格, 向你的家人或朋友推荐推荐。 Name of the store __________ _____% OFF(___折) Clothes Color Size Price Homework: 1.Copy and recite the new words 2. Make a survey to your father and mother,then get the information about the prices, the colors of their clothes. persons clothes colors prices … … … Section A Period I a sweater Learn clothes from Mickey: a jacket a shirt a T-shirt shorts pants socks shoes hat bag socks T-shirt sweater bag hat pants shoes shorts Colors green blue brown black orange red white purple yellow an orange bag blue shorts blue pants a red hat a white T-shirt a black shirt black shoes a green sweater white socks 1a Match the words with the pictures. 1. socks ____ 2. T-shirt ____ 3. shorts _____ 4. sweater ____ 5. bag ___ 6. hat ___ 7. pants ____ 8. shoes ____ b g a d c f e h a. green shorts b. socks c. red_______ d. __________ e. __________ f. __________ g. __________ h. __________ blue bag white sweater blue pants red hat black T-shirt purple shoes Task I What are on sale? 1b Listen and circle the things in the picture you hear. R


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