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Historical background of ancient Greek Cultural background The successful repulse of the Persian invasion early in the century Athens became one of the first earliest societies to establish democracy. Ancient Greeks were great lovers of sports. Greeks were fond of arts. They also mastered architecture. The flourishing of science, literature, art, historical writing and philosophy in Athens. The Ancient Greek provided the foundation for the western civilization. Parthenon (447-432 BC) Venus de Milo Euclid (欧几里得)(3rd Century BC):Element Archimedes (阿基米德)(287-212 BC): Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world Homer (荷马about 9th century BC-8th century BC) Iliad Odyssey Lyric Poets: Sappho (萨福)(about 612-580 BC)  Pindar (品达) (about 518_438 BC) Ancient philosophy (c. 600 B.C.–c. A.D. 400) Ancient Greek philosophy is the philosophy of the Graeco-Roman world from the sixth century (c. 585 B.C.) to the fourth century A.D. It is usually divided into three periods: the pre-Socratic period, the periods of, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, and the post-Aristotelian (or Hellenistic) period. Sometimes a fourth period is added that includes the Christian and Neo-Platonist philosophers. The most important of the ancient philosophers (in terms of subsequent influence) are Plato and Aristotle. Ancient Philosophy Socrates’ Predecessors The themes of ancient philosophy are: understanding the fundamental causes and principles of the universe; explaining it in an economical and uniform way; the epistemological problem of reconciling the diversity and change of the natural universe, with the possibility of obtaining fixed and certain knowledge about it; questions about things which cannot be perceived by the senses, such as numbers, elements, universals, and gods; the analysis of patterns of reasoning and argument; the nature of the good life and the importance of understanding and knowledge in order to pursue it; the explication of the conc



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